11. If a former child molester continues in a position of responsibility ... it could affect the faith and confidence that our brothers have in Jehovah’s organization.
Ya think!
Let's review: It's a cult!
11. If a former child molester continues in a position of responsibility ... it could affect the faith and confidence that our brothers have in Jehovah’s organization.
Ya think!
Let's review: It's a cult!
the following is an exchange of 3 emails between an elder in my wife's congregation and me.
it's a hispanic congregation in los angeles area:.
is it a cult or not??.
never a jw: Is it a cult or not??
Ooooh, I got this.
Let's review: It's a cult!
i am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
in light of anthony morris' latest propaganda piece, i thought it might be informative for members of our community to see what is typically required of mandated reporters.
here is what a credentialed teacher in the state of california must agree to as part of their licensing and credentialing.
(this is a requirement of both initial credentialing as well as renewals).
Rebel8: jws should not need Caesar to make them do the right thing.
Agreed. But as we all know, the majority of JWs do NOT see it this way. Why not?
Well, let's review: It's a cult!
in light of anthony morris' latest propaganda piece, i thought it might be informative for members of our community to see what is typically required of mandated reporters.
here is what a credentialed teacher in the state of california must agree to as part of their licensing and credentialing.
(this is a requirement of both initial credentialing as well as renewals).
Umberto: We have very similar laws here in Australia
As recent events have demonstrated. Australia is leading the way. This needs to be implemented globally!
for the jw apologists, they debate certain factors to down play all the recent sex abuse information in the jehovah's witness organization.
and there is so much focus on "two witness rule" and "parents can report" the "elders aren't legal authorities" and many other smoke screen issues.
a lot of these issues and discussion are down stream from what i believe to be the root of the issue.
FMF: at the root is in fact the arrogance and self protection of the organization.
FMF: The fact that they don't do this shows the institutional desire to protect their own image
Yes, and
FMF: They will generally protect the predator for their own selfish interests
Yes, absolutely yes!
JW elders should be mandated reporters.
this "confession" should be aired on the tv channel in regards to the investigation into jw's cover up of child abuse.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8cctyxnr-w. quite fitting, don't you think?
so today a friend recommended that i ask the witnesses about the news in australia.
i am in mexico, in a city called mazatlan.. two weeks ago i talked with some jw's on the cart about the septuagint and the different bible versions.
so we had had a decently amicable conversation back then (i have never admitted i was a jw).. so today i saw them again, same place, same time.
ILoveTTATT: So if you knew that one of your people did something like that, would you denounce him to the police?"She said: "Absolutely"!
That's what they SAY, but that is most clearly NOT WHAT THEY DO.
has anybody confronted any jws with the royal commission reports on the news yet?
i showed my 8-year old daughter a newspaper headline about it, and when she told my jw wife that the jws in australia were in trouble for not reporting over 1,000 child abusers to police, her response was "oh, really?
well, i don't know what the rules are over there.
Tornintwo: ive tried a few times saying 'it's on cnn now, it's on bbc, this is huge, you have to see this' but he shouts me down and said he didn't want to listen and might have to get 'help' from the elders to keep me quiet about it.
Wow, just wow!
There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Let's review: It's a cult!
has anybody confronted any jws with the royal commission reports on the news yet?
i showed my 8-year old daughter a newspaper headline about it, and when she told my jw wife that the jws in australia were in trouble for not reporting over 1,000 child abusers to police, her response was "oh, really?
well, i don't know what the rules are over there.
OrphanCrow: The JWs are a rule based culture.
That is a very insightful comment.
The fact is, JWs make the biblical Pharisees look like amateurs!