This just gets deeper and deeper!
Thanks for sharing.
article from
in shocking testimony, jehovahs witnesses reveal they feel no need to protect a child from a pedophiletoday, many former jehovahs witnesses are clinging to every word said during the australian royal commissions inquiry into institutional responses to child sex abuse.
This just gets deeper and deeper!
Thanks for sharing.
jehovahs witnesses cover up child sex abuse and oust a victim.
topics: criminal justice / religion .
Barbara, thanks for sharing this article. It is really well written. It's nice to have a better personal profile for the people involved in a case which was very much in the news over the last couple of years.
last night and elder gave the bible highlights at the congregation.
he talked about apostasy.
and among other things he said: "report to the elders if you hear anyone in the congregation talking bad about the governing body".
The members of the Governing Body are hypocrites, liars and cowards.
Feel free to turn me into the elders.
If any elder dares to try and mess with me he will have his ass summarily handed to him.
see this letter from the royal commission: .
letter from watchtower australia to governing body regarding transfer of funds between branches.
Nice. More evidence of deliberate lies, coverups and deceptive practices all motivated to avoid any liability and accountability.
Too bad there really isn't a Jehovah watching. I'm beginning to think the GB don't even believe in God. If they did, how could they do such things which they clearly know he condemns?
C0ntr013r: If ... a child [is molested, that] is not important, what is important is if anyone knows about it!?!?
Yes. It is all about appearances. Unfortunately it is only about the appearances of the organization with complete and utter disregard for anything or anyone else.
The negligence of the Governing Body and the entire leadership of the WTBTS is criminal.
ScenicViewer: How could there be an outcry about him, or how could he be a known child molester if his identity is kept secret from the congregation and the police, which is generally the case?
That is, I believe, the entire point of this investigation.
Well put!
11. If a former child molester continues in a position of responsibility ... it could affect the faith and confidence that our brothers have in Jehovah’s organization.
Ya think!
Let's review: It's a cult!
the following is an exchange of 3 emails between an elder in my wife's congregation and me.
it's a hispanic congregation in los angeles area:.
is it a cult or not??.
never a jw: Is it a cult or not??
Ooooh, I got this.
Let's review: It's a cult!
i am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
in light of anthony morris' latest propaganda piece, i thought it might be informative for members of our community to see what is typically required of mandated reporters.
here is what a credentialed teacher in the state of california must agree to as part of their licensing and credentialing.
(this is a requirement of both initial credentialing as well as renewals).
Rebel8: jws should not need Caesar to make them do the right thing.
Agreed. But as we all know, the majority of JWs do NOT see it this way. Why not?
Well, let's review: It's a cult!