They seem very worried about having their financials looked at...
Of course they do.
Follow the money, honey!
hello again.. splash had a pile of scriptural evidence which he uploaded and it was good material.
it established the gb as the fds and used watchtower study articles.........i don't know if he was the only one but the material flew in the face of what those men have been saying.
it proves, using their own material how they indeed think they are the ones with the direct control over millions of lives, because as you know.........they are the direct hot line to god.
They seem very worried about having their financials looked at...
Of course they do.
Follow the money, honey!
hello again.. splash had a pile of scriptural evidence which he uploaded and it was good material.
it established the gb as the fds and used watchtower study articles.........i don't know if he was the only one but the material flew in the face of what those men have been saying.
it proves, using their own material how they indeed think they are the ones with the direct control over millions of lives, because as you know.........they are the direct hot line to god.
I'd read those articles.
They are!
Some Points to Ponder:
The modern judicial hearing procedures of Jehovah's Witnesses are based on a Bible account. It's a fairly familiar account. You'll recognize it immediately:Do you recognize this account? Does it sound familiar? As a model for modern day Judicial Hearings of Jehovah's Witnesses, who does the individual represent? Who do the judges represent? Do you think the results of that Biblical judicial proceeding were just or not? Why or why not?
Which side would you have wanted to be on in the Biblical account? Which side, if any, do you find yourself on today?
[Originally posted by 00DAD]
i took a look at the jehovah's witnesses wikipedia page for the first time and i couldn't help but notice it was worded very closely to how jw's publications are.
the good stuff seems to be very positive while the negative items seem to be very downplayed.
the talk of persecution is enough to get your average jw wet.
Years ago I used to edit JW related articles on WP with a pro-JW. It was a result of doing that that I discovered that many of my beliefs and behaviors as a JW were indefensible.
day 7 of the australian royal commission has chair justice peter mcclellan raising the point that i have been wondering about all along, which is, how can these elders not report child abuse to the authorities especially when a full confession has taken place?.
justice mcclellan asked toole, the wts's lawyer, if he is aware that there is a difference between an organisation being required to have mandatory reporting of child abuse to the authorities and misprision which is the concealment of a felony, itself a criminal offence?
toole says he is aware of it now but he wasn't before!
day 7 of the australian royal commission has chair justice peter mcclellan raising the point that i have been wondering about all along, which is, how can these elders not report child abuse to the authorities especially when a full confession has taken place?.
justice mcclellan asked toole, the wts's lawyer, if he is aware that there is a difference between an organisation being required to have mandatory reporting of child abuse to the authorities and misprision which is the concealment of a felony, itself a criminal offence?
toole says he is aware of it now but he wasn't before!
Here's the irony that the RC has duly noted:
All JWs are in effect mandated to report any wrongdoing to the elders,
But the elders don't report even criminal activity to the police even when it is mandated.
Note point #69 from the Opening Address:
#69. Evidence will be put before the Royal Commission that of the 1,006 alleged perpetrators of child sexual abuse identified by the Jehovah’s Witness Church since 1950, not one was reported by the Church to secular authorities. This suggests that it is the practice of the Jehovah’s Witness Church to retain information regarding child sexual abuse offences but not to report allegations of child sexual abuse to the police or other relevant authorities.- [Emphasis and highlighting added]
i took a look at the jehovah's witnesses wikipedia page for the first time and i couldn't help but notice it was worded very closely to how jw's publications are.
the good stuff seems to be very positive while the negative items seem to be very downplayed.
the talk of persecution is enough to get your average jw wet.
i would think the only christian organization on this planet would be more than willingly send another gb member to australia in order to answer rcs questions, taking the place of jackson who is taking care of his ill farther.
if someone should show compassion to jackson those are his gb pals.
Can you imagine what Angus Stewart and Mr. Peter McClellan would do to Herd, Morris or Lett?
I'd pay to see that!
when there's a malfunction in a product that causes an injury or death, the head of the corporation is held accountable not the salesmen selling the product.
why aren't the governing body members being investigated when they are the root cause of the child abuse issues and the re-victimization that takes place after?.
Indeed, the RC is trying to get Jackson to testify.
See this thread: