Viviane: It's not a debate. For it to be a debate, there would have to be valid evidence on both sides.
Thank you!
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
Viviane: It's not a debate. For it to be a debate, there would have to be valid evidence on both sides.
Thank you!
in today's wt study it makes the point that just glancing at the opposite sex is flirting and can lead to sex!.
so are jw's now to wear blinkers?.
also jw's are told to go and confess to the elders if they have any immoral thoughts?!!.
What Heaven said.
As a general rule, JWs are sexually repressed and behave accordingly.
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
TR: Do you think the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a war crime or a terrible act of war?
Finally, a serious subject for discussion!
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
if children of 10 can learn to copy a Rembrant why can't they learn to question?
No reason. But one has nothing to do with the other. Also, learning to question is not the same as wasting time debating ridiculous conspiracy theories.
By the way, there's a "D" in Rembrandt. Look it up.
if children of 10 can be taught to play chess to a high standard why can't a child of 10 be taught " The Answers Exist" it's the " Questions, that do not"
Does that make sense to you? That question is incoherent. You're scaring me!
How old was Anne Frank when she started her diary? 14 I believe.
Well that's irrelevant.
How old was Mesi when he made his professional debut? 14 I believe.
Do you mean the soccer player? What the heck does he have to do with the subject under discussion?!? More irrelevant nonsense.
That's a major WTF!
Romeo and Juliette, although fictional were 14.
Are you seriously citing fictional characters to support your point?
Since you brought them up: you do know they killed themselves, don't you?
You as a " professional" educator seem to think I am really stupid. Why?
I'm pretty sure I've never called you stupid. I think this conspiracy theory of yours is stupid and I also think the idea of having 14 year old kids debate it in school is stupid.
Which brings up a good point: you obviously misunderstood my objection to having 14 year olds debate the moon landing. It has nothing to do with their age. It is because IT IS A STUPID SUBJECT TO DEBATE! Do you get it now?
[I highlighted it, made it bold, italicized, CAPITALIZED and in RED]. If you don't get it now, you never will.
BTW, why do you put "professional" in quotes. Don't you believe me? I don't doubt you're who and what you say your are.
Oubliettte i admit I probably do not fit in to your intellectual snobbery ...
So now I"m a "snob" because I don't agree with you and think you've floated some ridiculous ideas.
Why don't you discuss the SUBJECT and not the person. Ad hominem attacks are insipid.
(BTW, there are only two "T's" in my moniker.)
I have a successful marriage, a well balanced child of 10 who can fish, play football and can question. I can play guitar, sell my art so I don't need to work. I have my mortgage paid off, whatever
Good for you. However, it's just more irrelevant data.
I'm a gourmet cook, an accomplished amateur photographer and a fantastic lover.
I am also a published poet and journalist.
As an educator, I've had students attend a variety of distinguished institutions of higher education: UCLA, Boston University, Berklee College of Music, Berkeley University, San Francisco State University, just to mention a few. One my former students was just offered and accepted a doctoral research Fellowship at the University of California, Riverside. His research area is Molecular Biology.
Since you're bringing up music, I've written music for film, television and the theater and have performed in a wide variety of studio and live ensembles.
A prolific composer, I have had several of my orchestral compositions performed by the London Symphony Orchestra.The recording was done at Abbey Road Studios in London, Simon Rhodes engineered and Brynmore Llewelyn Jones conducted.
What, do you want to start measuring dick sizes next?
...I can also believe the UNIVERSES may be flat, and question that man landed on the moon.
Believe what you want. Believing doesn't make it so.
This is one of the key things to be learned here in this forum for ex- and wannabe ex-JWs.
Have the courage and intellectual honesty to understand that.
Anyway my question to you Oubliette, why have you on each post you have made on this thread tried to undermine my point of view, and make me look foolish on a wide world web?
I have not made you look foolish. You've done that all by yourself.
As to why do I keep posting? Because you keep PMing me and inviting me back. Doh!
You must have some serious unresolved masochistic tendencies.
To me this is not how a professional educator behaves.
Really? How would you know? This isn't school and you're not my student.
As Viviane pointed out above, this is an internet "public discussion" forum. You post, we respond. You don't like it, quit reading and continuing the discussion.
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
Am i correct from your post that according to you children of elementary school can not debate the moon landing?
Yes you are.
I already answered that: it's a stupid subject to debate. But I'm not surprised you don't get it. We're on page 42 of this thread and you still don't get it.
I hope you've laid in a good supply of tin-foil hats.
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
TR: That's why I am pleased that one of the good things that has come indirectly from starting this thread, is that my child's class are going to debate the issue, as a school project. ( The class is made up of 9 & 10 year olds)
Elementary school kids are going to debate whether or not the US landed humans on the moon?
As a professional educator, all I can say is this: That is really stupid!
Where do you live, Niger?
i am fuming at the moment and my wife has made me so angry.. i live in germany and an ex jw, a friend of mine is also ex jw but does not understand english so i was giving him a rundown on the friday session of the rc with gj.
my wife was in another part of the house but heard my phone ring and so she came to listen, i did not realize this, because when the phone rang i closed two doors between myself and my wife.
she opened the first door and started listening to the conversation.
Magnum: they won't come to me and discuss the matter.
Because they are afraid.
Great reasoning Magnum. I totally agree. The average R&F witness is morally culpable for not being honest about the overwhelming flaws in their religion.
Let's review: It's a cult!
i am fuming at the moment and my wife has made me so angry.. i live in germany and an ex jw, a friend of mine is also ex jw but does not understand english so i was giving him a rundown on the friday session of the rc with gj.
my wife was in another part of the house but heard my phone ring and so she came to listen, i did not realize this, because when the phone rang i closed two doors between myself and my wife.
she opened the first door and started listening to the conversation.
DF: Anyway it took a great deal of effort not to punch her in the nose.
Your wife is clearly out of control and her behavior unacceptable.
Resorting to physical violence in return is certainly NOT going to help the situation. I'm glad you restrained yourself.
DF: She also warned me that I am not stronger than Jehovah and that I cannot fight against Jehovah.
Since Jehovah doesn't exist I think you're safe.
I suggest you tell your wife to watch the RC interview of Geoffrey Jackson and then come to her own conclusions.
without a doubt.
As both Justice McLellan and Angus Stewart pointed out, Australia has a legal concept known as misprision which requires all citizens to report any criminal activity to the proper authorities.
Vincent Toole claimed to not know about that particular law and how it applied. He also said that he believed that mandatory reporting laws somehow over-ruled the concept of misprision (never mind that he contradicted himself in saying that).
Even still, there are states in Australia that do have mandatory reporting laws and yet not one of the 1,006 known abusers in Australia were ever reported to the authorities by JW elders. Not one!
i think that a person that is called before a judicial committee can use a recording of the trial and force the elder to view it because of jackson's statement to the commission and get off.
i think mr jackson has said enough about people who wish to leave the witnesses as not being harassed, hunted down, or spied upon and such to get the elder off your back and give them a "good witness".. also to be highlighted is the fact that jackson has stated under oath that the governing body is willing to reexamine doctrine and policy in order to conform to the law,.
i think many statements by gb jackson to the commission can be used by some one clever and thus escape the label of apostate and be unhindered to a large extent of speaking to others.. .
BW, while the idea in your OP makes sense, it is based on the presumption that Elders care about logic, justice and acting in ways in harmony with those precepts.
Elders are just like the average JW (actually more so): they are indoctrinated, mind-controlled people that will do whatever the WT Leadership tell them to do.
The fact that, over the last 65 years, not one out of 1,006 cases of known abusers in the organization in Australia was reported to the proper civil authorities proves that.
The elders are tools. They just do what they are told. Thinking isn't something they are told to do.