TR: A good point Viv and Oubliette, but as you can see from the link, it was
not myself, but this privaliged school that referred to the topic "
Did man land on the moon?" As a debate.
I went to the school link you provided and saw nothing that mentioned any debate on the question you posted.
I did a keyword search from the school's homepage and got this result:
Search Results for "moon land"
Nothing Found
Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.
That being said, the Kenninghall Primary School (KPS) does have a cute little page titled "Our Friends on the Moon" showing a classroom full of fresh-faced, little darlings with cute handmade drawings of aliens!!!
WTF?!? Clearly, conveying accurate scientific facts, knowledge or thinking is not high on the agenda of the teacher in this particular classroom.
To the contrary, this is obviously a class where science-fiction and fantasy are taught, not critical thinking and evidence-based argumentation.

On the other hand, in a different class at KPS, one teacher had their students build Moon Buggies, which would tend to disconfirm your thesis in the OP:

Interestingly, many of this English made "moon buggies" were sporting American flags. Thanks, mates!