Bumpin' it for CrazyGuy!
JoinedPosts by Oubliette
Relationship Issues: Boundaries, Freedom of Choice and Codependency
by 00DAD inrelationship issues: boundaries, freedom of choice and codependency .
i just read a very interesting thought in the book, "boundaries" by cloud & townsend.
the basic problem in human relationship is that of freedom.
Crazyguy is going batshit crazy a Rant
by Crazyguy inyesterday some jw's came over to my house and were even being nice to me, most of the time if they do come by an elder or ms may say something but the others will not, its even hard for them to say just hello (how pathetic).
( they also do this behind my back as if i don't know).
i now realize by not being their i've handed my kids right over to them!.
CG: [There] seems to be very little support when it comes to helping ones wake up and educate their children.
I'm sorry you're going through this, but I gotta tell you, you're wrong about what you wrote above. There's plenty, but this cult is very good at what it does: indoctrinating members to put the group above normal family relationships.
The first thing you have to do is to reassert appropriate boundaries concerning your family.
CG: One of them is the MS that studies with my two oldest boys. ( they also do this behind my back as if I don't know).
The fact that you know this and yet you tacitly allow it is very disturbing. This must end and it must end immediately.
You might want to read this pertinent thread by 00DAD:
CG: I'm not sure what to do anymore, do I go back and play nice with these idiots all the while trying to plant seeds with my kids?
No! Not just no, but Hell no!
That would be one of the worst things you could do.
Be the dad. Even if it means getting disfellowshipped from their little fucking club. You must fight for your children.
Tell all of the JW elders and MSs that if they come around your children you will have them arrested. You might even threaten them with a hint of bodily harm. They are your children.
I told an elder once that if he got between me and my children I would hurt him. He backed off.
Helen Keller is not a hero
by StopTheTears infew realize just how wicked some of the most revered people in history were.
helen keeler (1880 to 1968) was a wolf in sheep's clothing, no hero.
keller was a communist.
OMG, where's my tin-foil hat?
What a ridiculous OP.
Major creepy! -
BOE about medical information @ jw.org
by Gorbatchov inyesterday a boe letter was published at the elders domain of jw.org about the new medical information @ jw.org.. the medical information is for hospitals and doctors and not for the rank-and-file witness, says the letter.. i found the medical information with google: jw.org medical information.
(the beo doesn't give the jw.org section).. gorby.
JW.ORG Medical Information for Clinicians
Here's an interesting quote from this page:
"This section contains citations of peer-reviewed articles from leading medical journals"
It's ironic, they recognize that doctors and other professionals in the medical field understand the need for peer reviewed research, but the GB can't stand the thought of anyone reviewing and criticizing anything they say or do.
On shunning
by paranoia agent inhere is something interesting that pertains to the action of shunning.
the book called extreme was written by psychologists.. 1.
possum: religious counselors often have very little training in psychology while getting exempted from standard licensing requirements.
In JW-land it's not "often," it's virtually 100% of the elders that lack proper training to give the "counseling" that they give.
JW elders, even if well-intentioned, usually make a bad situation worse.
Let's review: It's a cult!
On shunning
by paranoia agent inhere is something interesting that pertains to the action of shunning.
the book called extreme was written by psychologists.. 1.
Is this the book?
Review: In ‘Extreme,’ by Emma Barrett and Paul Martin, Psychologists Explore Those Who Test Limits
It would have been helpful if you'd provided a citation and/or reference. Thanks. -
On shunning
by paranoia agent inhere is something interesting that pertains to the action of shunning.
the book called extreme was written by psychologists.. 1.
Excellent analysis. It's all about control. -
New convention theme
by StarTrekAngel injust wanted to post here real quick, as many have joked about it.
we had an announcement in our cong last week about the upcoming one day assembly.
the title of the assembly is "imitate jehovah".
The next convention will be themed: "Imitate ToMo III" -
The "mis-truths" said by brothers during the Royal Commission.
by stuckinarut2 inmy sister said she heard several "mis truths" or dare we say, "lies" said by the brothers on the stand during the royal commission.. 1) vin toole lied when asked about the expression "theocratic warfare".
he said he was unaware of the term.
2) terry obrien lied when asked whether witnesses are free to research the organisation or free to leave without any negative consequences.. 3) geoff jackson lied when he said that the organisation doesn't run a 'police state' and doesn't criticise those who want to leave.
Liars gotta lie. It's what they do.