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JoinedPosts by Oubliette
Independent article: Spiritual abuse
by Tornintwo ini've been reading about different types of emotional abuse to help me define and cope with my difficult marriage, came across this article : 7 ways a person can be abused, by a psychologist.
includes forms of 'spiritual abuse' - these sound familiar?.
Watchtower can cite their sources after all
by wannaexit inas far as i can remember watchtower has been notorious for not citing their sources in their literature.
the most they will do is to cite their in house, long living expert by the name of scholar.
after 40 + years all i've ever read is the mantra "one scholar says" ad nauseum.
JW.ORG Medical Information for Clinicians
Here's an interesting quote from this page:
"This section contains citations of peer-reviewed articles from leading medical journals"
It's ironic, they recognize that doctors and other professionals in the medical field understand the need for peer reviewed research, but the GB can't stand the thought of anyone reviewing and criticizing anything they say or do.
Horrible Bosses
by John Aquila ini just heard this a few minutes ago by a jw friend who is still an elder in my old hall.
the kingdom hall i used to attend and my mom still attends was paid off many years ago and serves about 6 congregations.
one of the english congregations has a lot of financially well of members.
“Send all the Money to the Watchtower”
Let's review: It's a cult!
My parents sent the elders after me
by atacrossroads ini stopped regulary attending meetings and going in field service in january.
the elders have left me alone for the most part i think because of my jw husband.
last week my parents came over and told me i needed to come back to meetings.
atacrossroads: They really believe if I went back to KH and FS that would be the answer.
Yes, but their beliefs have nothing to do with reality.
You are an adult individual. You have autonomy. This scares the hell out of them.
atacrossroads: If my own parents act like that now I will be shunned for sure if I am df'd.
Yes you will.
by Munster Abu innew here but looking forward to joining in some of the discussions with you all.. a small bit about me: i'm shane.
was raised as a jw in the uk by my mum (single parent family) from about 2 years of age.
got baptised at 15 for all the wrong reasons.
Welcome. You are among friends.
Why is my Uncle (JW PO-COBE) and Aunt Cruella suing my parents and grandparents?
by ReligionOfHatred ini heard this is a website where you can ask fellow jehovah's witnesses questions that websites like jw friends will not allow you to post because they don't allow you to speak ill of any elder.
my aunt cruella de ville and uncle jaundice sent my grandpa (he's got dementia and grandma has cancer) a letter saying their going to force grandma and gramps in to selling the land my grandmother located back in the late 1970s, grandma is very smart and saw the potential for their land, she was very gifted seeing things others did not see.
in the 1980s my grandparents went to oregon to check on their daughter who was pregnant, they were appalled by the living conditions cruella was living and she was having to work even though she was heavy with child.. all of this started when my dad ran in to a elder at the grocery store and this elder told my dad that "the reason cruella and jaundice are shunning your inlaws is because their apostates and therefore have the right to shun them.
Get a lawyer. -
My parents sent the elders after me
by atacrossroads ini stopped regulary attending meetings and going in field service in january.
the elders have left me alone for the most part i think because of my jw husband.
last week my parents came over and told me i needed to come back to meetings.
Possum, glad to be of service. I paid heavily for my knowledge.
The only satisfaction I can get is to help others not make the same the mistakes I made and possibly avoid the consequences.
Possum: Does any "loving" god or family really want us to sit and pretend to worship him in a kingdom hall or anywhere???
Not any God that I'd want to worship. Come to think of it, any God like that wouldn't be worthy of my worship.
My parents sent the elders after me
by atacrossroads ini stopped regulary attending meetings and going in field service in january.
the elders have left me alone for the most part i think because of my jw husband.
last week my parents came over and told me i needed to come back to meetings.
I was accused of being selfish and they wanted to know what happened and what had I been filling my head with.
Introduce your parents to Mr. Mirror. Tell them to take a good, long look and see if they see anyone they recognize!
My husband told them to leave ... He literally pushed them out the door and walked them to their car.
Your parents are out of control.
A few days later I get a knock at the door and 2 elders were there. I have known them for years and they were very sad.
Oh, well. It sucks to be them. Tell them that you are not responsible for the mental or emotional health.
They asked if there was anything they could do to enourage me.
Yes, go away!
The elder I had known the longest said I was being very guarded and wondered why that was.
Answer: Because this is a cult and if I tell you what I really think and how I really feel you'll throw the religious equivalent of a temper tantrum and disfellowship me and then everyone I know will shun me. Duh!
He asked me if I read or had association with anyone that would make me want to stop being a witness.
Yes. I've read the WT publications and associated with JWs for years. That was all it took!
He got very frustrated with me and he asked do you believe the faithful and discreet slave is directed by Jehovah
Answer: Ya' know, I agree with Brother Jackson of the Governing Body when he said it would be presumptuous to think that they are the only spokesmen for God on Earth!
BTW, Brother Elder, I'm sorry you're frustrated, but you really need to take responsibility for your own emotional state and stop blaming others, in this case me.
The elders showed up when they knew my husband was gone.
Well that's just wrong. If you didn't know before that this is a cult, you know now.
I am trying so hard to prevent [getting disfellowshipped].
If the elders "invite" you to a judicial committee tell them you'll be happy to attend with your attorney and a recording device. Advise them that if they try to proceed without giving you due process you will sue them personally for slander, libel, defamation of character and alienation of affection.
They will leave you alone after that.
Let's review: It's a cult!
Crazyguy is going batshit crazy a Rant
by Crazyguy inyesterday some jw's came over to my house and were even being nice to me, most of the time if they do come by an elder or ms may say something but the others will not, its even hard for them to say just hello (how pathetic).
( they also do this behind my back as if i don't know).
i now realize by not being their i've handed my kids right over to them!.
Baltar nailed it. He just did. -
Crazyguy is going batshit crazy a Rant
by Crazyguy inyesterday some jw's came over to my house and were even being nice to me, most of the time if they do come by an elder or ms may say something but the others will not, its even hard for them to say just hello (how pathetic).
( they also do this behind my back as if i don't know).
i now realize by not being their i've handed my kids right over to them!.
TOTC: This is sick!
You're right, it is sick. But it is also what the Bible says and what the WTBTS teaches.
What you don't seem to get is THE FACT that at millions of birthday parties held around the world every single day, no one gets beheaded.
This crazy, sick idea comes only from the Bible. Even then, very few--if any--religions other than JWs promote this sick interpretation of Birthdays and the Bible. Come to think of it, I can't name a single other religion that has this sick idea about birthday parties.
Let's review: It's a cult!