Stop reading old society publications. They are not good for you.
And that means anything published prior to 2000.
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
Stop reading old society publications. They are not good for you.
And that means anything published prior to 2000.
BerryGerry: you are not asked to ACCEPT everything, but you are required to OBEY everything.
That's exactly what they expect!
Let's review: It's a cult!
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
Among other things, I'm a songwriter.
I once wrote a song with a lyric referring to a dream I had. A "brother" once condescendingly said, "We don't have prophetic dreams you know!"
I said, "What are you talking about? I have dreams every night!"
I should have know then: It's a cult!
the new rbc now called the ldc.
sold to us as new and improved rbc.
working with all of the congregation funds after we sent them all back to new york and what have they done.
One of the benefits of our "apostate" world-wide network is that we have discovered that, with few exceptions such as the new HQ, building projects always seem to be going on "somewhere else"!
Let's review: It's a cult!
my husband has a brother he has not spoken too in years not even when he became an adult.
there is a big age gap between them and when his brother was df'd he was still a small child.
his brother was 17 when he was df'd for sex and when he turned 18 he left home and never looked back.
This religion ruins families and destroy natural bonds.
Read your husband this scripture and ask him who it applies to in his situation:
Ask him why he won't reach out to his own brother?
i think i'm going to be sick.
time to unfollow & block more people... .
i think i'm going to be sick.
time to unfollow & block more people... .
DK: Oh--and tony morris: Die in a fire.
How 'bout: Die in a fire like a roasting weenie while you watch handsome young men in tight pants and colored socks dance gaily about!
saturday, september 19th, 2015: .
earlier today snugglebunny posted a pic of today's "daily text" which is based on a paragraph from the november 15th, 2013 article.
that magazine contains the now infamous maxim: .
LongHairGal, I think you bring up an excellent point. I DO wonder what they are going to tell JWs to do! Maybe they won't have them get in line for kool-aid. Perhaps the worst is here: Tithe (even though we don't call it that), and don't question any of our stupid ideas like the "overlapping generation" nonsense. Still, it does set the GB up to be able to get the R&F to do just about anything.
If there was ever any question, this statement removed all doubt: It's a cult!
BethSarim: it does make one wonder what they have up their sleeve.
Agreed. See my comments to LHG above.
Smiddy, thanks for the kind words. I completely agree that living well is the best revenge. The one remaining concern I have though is for my two young adult sons that are still "captive" to this cult. I'm trying to figure a way to help them wake up and see that they too can have a real life.
Unfortunately, I have so far been unsuccessful in this regard, but I won't give up!
in 2013 we had 1. in 2014 we had 2. in 2015 (so far) i have been sent pics of 1 more.therefore there are 4 different kingdom halls which have been photographed or videotaped with the chilean flag on them.. here is a link to my page where i have the pictures:.
Apparently "neutrality" doesn't mean what it used to mean.
Neither does "no part of the world."
saturday, september 19th, 2015: .
earlier today snugglebunny posted a pic of today's "daily text" which is based on a paragraph from the november 15th, 2013 article.
that magazine contains the now infamous maxim: .
stuckinarut: We can all take control of our circumstances ... We can make positive new paths for ourselves!
Although control is relative (we can never have total control), you are absolutely right about our ability to make new paths for ourselves, controlling what we can and accepting what we cannot. But we must not passively sit by allowing others to determine our life choices. Thank you so much for your comments!
Bonsai, Thanks for your positive affirmations and remembering my kids are still "stuck in" this cult.
I appreciated you sharing your "decisive moment." Although different than mine, it obviously was just as powerful. I'm glad you've left this destructive cult and are living life on your own terms now!
FayeDunaway, that is a very typical experience: you try and say/share something real and all another person hears is more cult propaganda. Actually, that can be useful if we are ever in a situation where we need to speak to a still indoctrinated JW. We can often word things in a way that are true, but know that they will filter and perceive it according to their JW worldview.
never a jw, I really appreciate your comment about being an educator. I cannot give all the details here because it wouldn't be good for some of my former students, but I have helped more than a couple of high school kids formulate exit plans from this religion. And it was all because I taught them how to think critically and not be afraid to be their own person.
Now if I could only find a way to reach my own children that are still "stuck in" this fucking cult!
JW daughter, thank you also for acknowledging my hard work and personal progress. It means a lot to me!
Olivia Wilde, I had the same thoughts about that paragraph. Images of Jonestown came to my mind.
I didn't say it in the OP, but I went to the Kingdom Hall where my kids attend for that meeting. I wanted to be there when they heard this crap from the platform. I was disgusted at how the congregation gulped down this kool-aid laced message. If there were any dissenters other than myself, they kept their opinions to themselves. Those that commented on the paragraph said things that were truly frightening. It's really scary shit actually.
Let's review: It's a cult!