It was all me. In fact, for many years I thought I was the only JW that noticed all of the problems with the religion: the inconsistencies, the factual errors, hypocrisy of elders, the lack of any real academic rigor or integrity in their "theology," etc. The list is long.
It seems funny now to think that I was the only one, but we all know how well the cult mindset and authoritarian control effectively insulates everyone from everyone else. There is no way that full-indoctrinated cult members can ever have a real, authentic relationship with another cult member.
Finally it got to be too much and I started doing some investigating online. When I found out about the UN/NGO scandal that was it. I knew I was in a cult. I tried to talk to my wife; she wouldn't hear it.
It took about six or seven years before I finally figured out how to leave: you just leave. But it had tremendous personal cost.
My two young adult children that I raised in this fucking cult no longer talk to me. The reason: I no longer pretend to believe in the ridiculous religion.
Let's review: It's a cult!