Wow, only 8 baptized out of a combined attendance of 3,044.
That's barely more than 1/4 of 1%.
Great news.
... just received!
london bethel: last year a couple in their fifties were laid off from bethel and made special pioneers.
in january they will be demoted to regular pioneers.
Wow, only 8 baptized out of a combined attendance of 3,044.
That's barely more than 1/4 of 1%.
Great news.
my husband was recently subjected to an intervention by his parents.
i am apparently a danger to his spirituality.
after i stopped attending meetings and went apostate hubby decided to resign as a ms to spend more time with me.
atacrossroads: he is no longer sure the witnesses have the truth.
This is fantastic news!
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
steve2: I think it is a measure of how long this thread is that people really missed you.
Amen to that!
so here's an interesting thing that happened lately.
if you guys have followed my previous posts, you probably know my mother almost died from severe anemia, decided to take blood transfusions to avoid death and the elders announced the congregation she disassociated.
last week a "brother" came to visit from a congo about 100 kilometers away.
cookiemaster: when somebody disagrees with something is automatically labeled an apostate and treated like the plague. He says he thinks this is a form of emotional abuse.
It IS emotional abuse. This is Control-Freakery 101
first, i'd like to give a big thank you to the anonymous person who provided me the files.
second, if you have the rest of the english videos, or anything else you would like to leak, please pm me.. download links in the descriptions and here.
cookiemaster: all this ridiculousness makes him seem like a moron.
Not "seem," but 'is"!
DOC: I think they would better better results by being a bit more tactful and professional about it.
Careful, criticizing anyone that speaks about the borg will bring you heat on this forum!
Kookie: How about you make a video Doc!
Thus proving my point!
in page 10 of the correspondence guidelines, in the section of apostasy" i found the following:.
one who has sincere doubts orquestions should be kindly aided inthe spirit of galatians.... i am forced to conclude that many of you didn't get any aid because your doubts were fake.
so according to the wt manual, your main sin may have not been doubting, but faking having doubts.
You are missing that, while doubting is not a disfellowshipping offense, sharing your doubts with other is.
yes, last week the number of bethel layoffs was confirmed from 90 to 125. .
and those going in thinking they may be there for some time have been told.
that they may be there for two months rather than 3 years depending on .
Stuck: They won't know what to do in the real world at their age...but no doubt expect to be taken care of by others in the local congs!
That's not going to happen. If the GB won't take care of them, why should the local congregation?
The GB are saying, "Go. Be warm and well fed!" meanwhile they are living like fatcats from the donations of the sheep they fleece.
Let's review: It's a fucking cult!
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
SBF: Sorry I should offer some explanation. But can I point out I have actually been gone for two years. It's not like I was just messing around. It was for a reason.
Tell us what you want, leave out whatever you think you need to leave out. You don't OWE US anything. I for one am curious though, but that's it.
It's just good to have you back!
october 14, 2015 .
re: signs announcing meeting times .