BE, you could have simply clarified your point. But no, you chose to respond in a condescending, pedantic manner.
You might think you were clear, but you were not. I find your writing abstruse and your prose opaque. For example:
It was a general statement giving credit to the reader for the collective ability to discern the relativity of said point with respect of the foregone conclusions reached with the line of reasoning introduced.
I suppose you think that is an example of good writing. It is not. I'm reminded of a well-known song by Carly Simon .... but I digress.
Thankfully, Morpheus graciously clarified for you. Had you read my response to his post you would have known that I inferred the same message as he, but prefer not to make assumptions when something is not explicit.
It's interesting that you choose to respond with an arrogant, snarky attitude rather than simply clarifying.
I was considering apologizing for calling you an "asshole" since said you found that offensive, but will refrain as your response and continued pettiness provide abundant evidence that my initial assessment was accurate.
Btw, there is an "e" on the end of my username. Spelling counts.