You're funny, BE!
I didn't make this about me; you did that.
Your hypothetical situation about a rocket scientist is ironically interesting. Curious you should have chosen that.
The summer before last, I spent two weeks at a teacher's institute at JPL-NASA in Pasadena. Each day's agenda included a number of different activities, often featuring lectures by scientists from any of the a wide range of fields related to robotic space exploration at NASA. Many of those scientists were what most would loosely call "rocket scientists."
Although some of the lecturers were perhaps more engaging than others, all were very articulate and clear in discussing highly technical projects ranging from the Mars Rover missions to the Cassini flyby of Saturn. At the end of each session was an open Q&A. No matter what questions were asked (and keep in mind this was a room full of science teachers), all of the lecturers were always very gracious and forthcoming in offering additional explanations and clarification. It was apparent they loved what they did and were eager to share that enthusiasm with other.
It was very informative and a lot of fun.