As far as I'm concerned, there is no such things as an "acceptable religion."
How can teaching things that are not true ever be acceptable?
drop shunning or at least drop shunning among family members.
make blood transfusions a conscience matter, no more hlc.
drop the two witness rule, mandatory reporting of child abuse, no privileges for offenders.
As far as I'm concerned, there is no such things as an "acceptable religion."
How can teaching things that are not true ever be acceptable?
my mom had surgery last month and she developed complication and had to be on antibiotics to treat infection.
so, she is recovering slowly, but things was tough on her and she was not attending kh or went to assembly two weeks ago.
nonetheless, elder showed up at her place and instead providing her with comfort he started to harass her that her faith is weak, she does not put trust in jah, etc.
happy thanksgiving everyone!
i know that we are an international group here and that thanksgiving is an american holiday (and not even all of us in the us celebrate it), but i thought it would be nice to have a thread dedicated to sharing the many things we have to be thankful for: .
i am thankful for: .
Thanks all for taking the time to write and share some of the things for which you are thankful!
recently i heard through video link to our kh a talk by bro loesch where he attacked university study (again) but this time he prefaced his remarks by saying, and i quote, "the faithful slave does not forbid you to go to university.
" so this was a bad start as his following remarks made it clear that this was just a way of seeming reasonable while basically saying that we shouldn't do it.
he went on to use an illustration i think he has used before about a man with ocd who decided to kill himself.
some time ago, i wrote an extensive article on shunning and published it on my website.
since that website had views on doctrinal matters that no longer reflect my current stand, i took the website down.
however, my views on this matter are still current, and for the benefit of everyone here, i'm going to post the article here.
Eden: Oub, I would gladly do it if I knew how.
It's easy. Do you have a gmail account? You will need one. I would suggest an anonymous one for this.
Then you go to Google drive and create a document. Cut and Paste your info into it and then share the link with whoever you want.
I have 9th graders doing it!
If you don't want to do that, I could create a document for you, but then everyone that reads it would think you are me, or that I am you!!!
okay i was talking to an elder and he said me going to university was a bad idea and i should have listened to the society and not gone.
but i said that when i went to university the watchtower was saying it might not be a bad idea to go to, as long as you do it for the "right reasons", don't associate with worldly people, and keep clear of "damaging ideas".
but basically they said it was okay, in this "changing world" and job market to go to university.
SBF: Or did I imagine it?
No you did not.
The elder you are talking to either has a poor memory or is an idiot, maybe both.
I thought you left this religion. Why are you still talking to elders?
some time ago, i wrote an extensive article on shunning and published it on my website.
since that website had views on doctrinal matters that no longer reflect my current stand, i took the website down.
however, my views on this matter are still current, and for the benefit of everyone here, i'm going to post the article here.
Wow, great work and thanks for sharing, Eden?
Would you consider putting it all into one Google doc to make it easier to read?
happy thanksgiving everyone!
i know that we are an international group here and that thanksgiving is an american holiday (and not even all of us in the us celebrate it), but i thought it would be nice to have a thread dedicated to sharing the many things we have to be thankful for: .
i am thankful for: .
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I know that we are an international group here and that Thanksgiving is an American holiday (and not even all of us in the US celebrate it), but I thought it would be nice to have a thread dedicated to sharing the many things we have to be thankful for:
I am thankful for:
Are there things I want that I do not have? You betcha, but that is a topic for another day. Today I am focusing on the good things in my life.
What are you thankful for?
this is becoming more common.
this is from the last part of the article: .
"this was about sexual gratification and you are a hypocrite because you became an elder and you investigated a sexual matter even with this in your sexual background.".
this is becoming more common.
this is from the last part of the article: .
"this was about sexual gratification and you are a hypocrite because you became an elder and you investigated a sexual matter even with this in your sexual background.".
I really don't care if you don't believe that people in general don't like the idea of pedophiles getting off free.
Wow, you sure got me wrong! I've found most people, myself included, are repulsed by pedophiles and find it one of the most egregious and disgusting crimes there is.
Where do you get these crazy ideas?