asensier: I feel free and ready to enjoy life to the full
Good for you!
you can probably guess how this story goes.. i began dating a non-witness boy.
he knew i was a baptised witness and understood the consequences i faced for dating him.
we agreed to keep our relationship secret, which was easy considering our 200 mile distance.
asensier: I feel free and ready to enjoy life to the full
Good for you!
in light of anthony morris' latest propaganda piece, i thought it might be informative for members of our community to see what is typically required of mandated reporters.
here is what a credentialed teacher in the state of california must agree to as part of their licensing and credentialing.
(this is a requirement of both initial credentialing as well as renewals).
DD: I cannot imagine the WTBTS wanting you average J-dumb sending written reports to authorities. Jesus, can you even imagine the shit-storm that would cause?!
I'm sure the WTBTS does NOT want that, but not for the reason that most people seem to think. Mandated reporting would not increase liability, it would actually decrease it.
The reason the WT leaders don't want this getting out is that it would completely destroy the illusion that this religion is "The One True Religion," and reveal that it is in fact just another man-made organization, albeit a very delusional and often damaging one due to their plethora of false beliefs.
This situation completely reveals to those that see it just how harmful false beliefs are.
Let's review: It's a cult!
the awake oct 2015 is now up on jw org.. one article talks about young adults returning to their parents home and tries to give them some advice.. one of the highlighted comments are these magical words.
<<remember, more important than what you do is becoming proficient at what you do.>>.
i don't see how it's more important to become more proficient in that window washing job than working towards a more interesting and better paying job.
DD: The GB are deluded, they and their writing staff are in an insular world and they confirm their own bias by writing this garbage.
This is what happens when people that got nothing are operating under the false belief that they must say something.
They become very proficient at spewing out meaningless drivel. Fortunately, a lot of it is pretty harmless. That being said, it's really astounding just how many truly harmful things come out of their deluded, self-important minds and make their way into, convention parts, WT and/or Awake! articles, and Sophia and Caleb cartoons.
Let's review: It's a cult!
i noticed that anthony morris iii just said on the broadcast: "while we cannot control everything that an individual might say, it is clear that over the decades protecting children from abuse is a top priority for this organization.".
that, in my opinion, is a direct response to the richard ashe "spiritual protection not physical protection" deposition.. here's a video putting the two statements side by side..
Data-dog, as real and practical as your solution sounds, it ignores the basic reason they won't do it: They need to maintain the fantasy that they are, and always have been, "the one True Religion."
We know they aren't, but they can't admit that, not even to themselves.
Let's review: It's a cult!
does anyone have the links for this year's rc videos?
i'm especially interested in the video drama about the jw woman that married an upbaptized man.
i have a couple of friends in similar situations--wife in, they're not--and the wives still attend.
OEJ, you have to lie and say, "Yes."
Jehovah will have to kill you for it, but at least you'll see their latest propaganda piece before you die. You better watch it quickly because, as you know, Armageddon's coming soon!
does anyone have the links for this year's rc videos?
i'm especially interested in the video drama about the jw woman that married an upbaptized man.
i have a couple of friends in similar situations--wife in, they're not--and the wives still attend.
Thanks again Cappy! You're the best!
does anyone have the links for this year's rc videos?
i'm especially interested in the video drama about the jw woman that married an upbaptized man.
i have a couple of friends in similar situations--wife in, they're not--and the wives still attend.
Cappytan, you da man!
does anyone have the links for this year's rc videos?
i'm especially interested in the video drama about the jw woman that married an upbaptized man.
i have a couple of friends in similar situations--wife in, they're not--and the wives still attend.
Hi all,
Does anyone have the links for this year's RC Videos? I'm especially interested in the video drama about the JW woman that married an upbaptized man.
I have a couple of friends in similar situations--wife in, they're not--and the wives still attend. They want to know what their wives will be getting indoctrinated with at the RC. Think of it as "Theocratic Warfare" in reverse.
I know someone posted these from a recent RC in New York, but I can't seem to find them using the SEARCH tools on this forum.
Thanks in advance,
the scene is the kitchen table where we find calebs dad and mom in conversation.
dad - a letter?
mom so we are going to write a letter to everyone we know and ask them to give us some of their money, so that we have as much money coming in as is going out.
Luke 14:28 baby: For example, who of you wanting to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense to see if he has enough to complete it?
The GB apparently, that's who!
you can probably guess how this story goes.. i began dating a non-witness boy.
he knew i was a baptised witness and understood the consequences i faced for dating him.
we agreed to keep our relationship secret, which was easy considering our 200 mile distance.
asensier: I later wrote a letter to them explaining that the only ones causing hurt were them as I'm here ready for communication. It was painful to write but I felt I had to make them try to understand that they are choosing the religion over the love for their child.
Good for you. That was an important step in redefining your relationship with yourself and your parents.
Don't be surprised if it has little discernible affect right away. But communicating that message is the only way you can both be yourself and have any hope of a mature, real relationship with your parents.
Now it's up to them.