Angus Stewart Paraphrase: "Individual congregations take their direction from the Australia branch which in turns takes its direction from the Governing Body"
Toole: That's right
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
Angus Stewart Paraphrase: "Individual congregations take their direction from the Australia branch which in turns takes its direction from the Governing Body"
Toole: That's right
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
Angus is establishing with Mr. Toole (how appropriate) that the GB ultimately determines all policies and procedures.
This is gonna be good!!!
i posted a topic with personal contact information on it.
such stupidity and i do deeply apologise to the person and the commission.. it has been taken down thank fully.. this morning i came skulking out of my cave, and with trepidation started the computer and checked my emails.............. there was a lovely compassionate email from the staff at rc telling me not to be too upset at what i had done.
they said they understood and it was important that i not get too distressed at the error.. then they said they were thankful for all the support and gratitude being shown to them from various parties and other places.
I have learned my lesson and it is an important one.......
Yes, worldly people are usually much nicer than hardcore JWs, especially the elders.
august 4, 2015. australian associated press .
the jehovahs witness church says it will comply with mandatory reporting obligations when they learn about sexual abuse crimes against children in their congregation.. a royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse has heard that the theocratic church records more than one child abuse allegation every month yet in 60 years has never reported them to police.. in the second week of a hearing into the churchs handling of abuse incidents, the head of the communitys service desk, rodney spinks, acknowledged they dealt with matters internally and did not encourage reporting to police.. the service desk under the auspices of the churchs legal entity, the watchtower bible and tract society australia, is the first point of contact for elders looking for advice on how to deal with child abuse reports.. spinks said the first issue addressed is the safety of the child, and elders are referred to watchtower publications on the matter.. they are also given generic advice based on a handbook that says they should never suggest not reporting the allegation to police.. spinks acknowledged they had not had a practice, against the wishes of the victim or otherwise, to directly report to police.. the commission chair, peter mcclellan, pointed out there were mandatory reporting obligations when a crime had been committed.. spinks said he had been made aware of this in these hearings and the church would accept and comply with mandatory reporting, regardless of our strongly held religious belief that individuals should have the right to decide what is done with that information.. he said when there were mandatory reporting requirements with some sort of uniformity across the country we will happily and willingly comply.. mcclellan pointed out that uniform laws were not yet in place and they would differ from state to state but they would impose a criminal sanction on a person who knows [about an abuse crime] and does not report.. spinks said he understood that.. mcclellan said the church needed to have a very good look maybe with the help of the churchs lawyers at what the law provides.. the commissioner also pointed out that what the jehovahs witnesses were doing was different to what other churches might be doing because you might be taking allegations and resolving, as you see it, the truth of the allegation by reason of your process.. the commission has heard that the jehovahs witness process is based on a biblical rule that the wrongdoing is only proven when there are two witnesses, and expect the abuse victim to confront the abuser..
The facts speak for themselves, JW/WT's own internal records document "more than one child abuse allegation every month yet in 60 years has never reported them to police."
Not one single report in more than half a century with more than 1,000 opportunities to do the right thing. Never. Not once. This is one of the most stunningly spectacular failures I have ever seen!
Samuel Herd: "Never want to be what you are not equipped to be."
Oubliette: "That's good advice Sammy. You're obviously not equipped to speak intelligently about pretty much anything. Stand down."
Did he REALLY just say that when a woman THINKS (by expressing an opinion that she is as competent as a man) that it borders on homosexuality? What a moron.
This guy should really shut his mouth. On the other hand, when the GB members talk like this, it absolutely proves there is no way in hell that they represent God, at least not any kind of god I'd want to worship. Any god that would choose Herd, or ToMo or Lett would have to be an idiot himself. And he'd obviously have to be a "he" based on their misogynistic worldview.
Let's review: It's a cult!
there was a time when the abuse issues in the catholic church were first starting to be exposed.. now, they were fully aware that they had the exact same issues that they too were covering up.. what did they choose to do?.
they could have "learnt" and said "man, that looks bad and we know we have the same problem - but at least we can learn something and put processes in place to make sure we clean up our act".. they could have done nothing themselves but refrained from criticized the catholic church knowing that they had the same skeletons in their own closet.. what did they actually do?.
they wen't full guns criticizing the catholics for something they knew they were completely guilty of as well, painting themselves as 'the good guys where this sort of thing would never happen' but the only processes they put in place were to tighten up how cover-ups were managed and to make sure the local elders knew how to silence any incidents.
BluesBrother, those are great excerpts. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, the irony!
Karma's a bitch
"Thus we had mankind because woman is a kind of man."
Did he really just say that? What an idiot.
"Let's play house ..."
The girls I grew up with wanted to "play doctor." Let's just say we had a lot more fun.
There's nothing more exciting to me than a strong, confident woman.
i've been toying with the idea of just coming out and posting my name and location as an attempt to be available to locals that secretly browse the forum that have known me for up to 25 years.
( "reaching out", so to speak ).
i'm not da'd or df'd, so this most certainly could end in a dramatic confrontation.
Good for you.
Too bad you're in NorCal and I'm in SoCal or I'd take you out for a beer!
there has been some comment on the latest rc proceedings on that well know jw friendly site.. one set of posts has been particularly interesting as the poster related their own experience as an abuse victim when they were a child in the congregation.
this of course took courage and the poster deserves no criticism at all for this.
he is, however, still very supportive of the organisation.. this is his latest post:.
For example they repeatedly refuse to accept that abuse survivors are not expected to confront their abuser. There is a 1995 WT article and advice in the elder's manual that says that they can write a letter.
Mr Stewart repeatedly asked for documentary proof of this assertion. No such documentation was offered in any testimony I ever read.
now we know why the governing body of jehovah's witnesses cancelled all the major regional conventions of jehovah's witnesses for 2015 and are only holding smaller conventions at the jw assembly halls.
"imitate jesus" convention series australia schedule .
interestingly the first round of regional conventions are due this weekend in the jw assembly halls in sydney (new south wales), melbourne (victoria), and brisbane (queensland).
What an interesting irony:
RC = Regional Convention, but also
RC = Royal Commission!