CG: [There] seems to be very little support when it comes to helping ones wake up and educate their children.
I'm sorry you're going through this, but I gotta tell you, you're wrong about what you wrote above. There's plenty, but this cult is very good at what it does: indoctrinating members to put the group above normal family relationships.
The first thing you have to do is to reassert appropriate boundaries concerning your family.
CG: One of them is the MS that studies with my two oldest boys. ( they also do this behind my back as if I don't know).
The fact that you know this and yet you tacitly allow it is very disturbing. This must end and it must end immediately.
You might want to read this pertinent thread by 00DAD:
CG: I'm not sure what to do anymore, do I go back and play nice with these idiots all the while trying to plant seeds with my kids?
No! Not just no, but Hell no!
That would be one of the worst things you could do.
Be the dad. Even if it means getting disfellowshipped from their little fucking club. You must fight for your children.
Tell all of the JW elders and MSs that if they come around your children you will have them arrested. You might even threaten them with a hint of bodily harm. They are your children.
I told an elder once that if he got between me and my children I would hurt him. He backed off.