How does this new ruling change things? Those beliefs don't change.
True the beliefs don't change, but the circumstances of someone either still being closeted or even openly gay, but non-sexually actively do.
Prior to this, a homosexual man or woman could be in the congregation and exist with a more or less "don't ask, don't tell" kind of tolerance from the other congregation members. But now the elders not only have license to, but are in fact directed to actively confront such individuals about any behaviors that are perceived as "gender-blurring." This is a significant change in the practices, policies and relationships of individuals in the congregation.
Also, this directive could add to the "witch-hunt" hit list individuals that may not even be homosexual, but who are just suspected of being so by overzealous elders.
Won't anyone who is gay in the WTS always be feeling bad until it becomes unbearable and they leave?
Probably, but so does pretty much everyone else that stays in the religion. It's well established that many more people would leave the religion if they weren't afraid of being shunned by their family and friends. This new directive targets a particular JW subgroup based solely on behaviors which prior to this would generally have been ignored. - 1 Corinthians 6:11
Could forcing someone to make the decision earlier actually be better
for them given there is no immediate outlook for any change in
conservative christian beliefs about homosexuality
This is possibly true, but ignores the fact that forcing someone to "wake up to TTATT" rarely works. Also, younger ones in particular might just not be emotionally or financially ready to leave the cult.
This is one of the big problems I foresee here, it forces the issue and does so because the GB has for whatever reason decided that this is their latest cause.