Double Standards in the JW world

by nevaagain 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • nevaagain

    No other organization has so many written and unwritten rules like the JWs. So it comes to no suprise that there are a lot of double standards.

    Even though the end is "near", WT is building new and bigger offices. While the small JW should live in a closet and should make plans to have a bigger house in the new world. At the same time his money and time should be better spend for donations and preaching.

    Donations are encouraged almost in every meeting and always at conventions and assemblies but at the same time the JW is supposed to only make enough to pay for food and his small closet and better spend his time pioneering. I bet its not pioneers who donate the most.

    I had to laugh when a couple of months ago there was a letter read in our congregation that the bethel was looking for lawyers and other professions with degrees. Of course you had to have attended college or university to obtain such a degree, by their own definition wasted time better spend in the ministry (and the college fund better spend donating to the "world wide work aka paying off pedophile cases").

    What is worst is the double standard of the witnesses or better the elders. You have retired elders which have a nice car and a paid big house being pioneers telling everybody from the platform they should work part time and also pioneer. The truth is, that they werent pioneers a couple of years when they were still working for a living.

    We now have a new elder, he became a MS just two years ago when he sold off his own company and started aux pioneering and after one year he became an elder and stopped pioneering.

  • freemindfade

    Standard double speak.

    Protect pedophiles "we don't protect pedophiles"

    Believes the rapture now "we don't call it the rapture"

    Begs for money "we never ask for money"

    We don't pass the plate "contribution boxes at every row of assembly"

    Is wrong and lies "light get brighter"

    This could go on for days.

  • Vidiot

    Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...


    ...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.


    We will never do T.V evangalizing like Christendom - now they do - every month broadcasts.

    Stupid music videos which are basically gospel songs specially written for the videos, as the songs are not from the song book - they are even complete with drum beats and guitars .....totally different from what I grew up with.

    I find them very strange and the Caleb and Sophia craze too - I cant believe I am seeing all this.

    I remember a few years ago in the late 90's a District overseer saying from the platform about T.V watching and the dangers of it and he asked the audience a rhetorical question which was "do you still have a T.V ?"

    The way he said it, was as if it was unthinkable we would still have a T.V as after all he had got rid of his one and he proudly declared he had thrown it out.

    Basically his message to us was that the org were all for us getting rid of our televisions - as it was the way for Satans world to enter our homes.

    I wonder what he is up to now,lol. I bet he had to go and a buy a new T.V. to keep up,lol.

    J.W .org logo's everywhere - which to me is idol worship.

    Lastly I don't know who is behind all this rebranding - you would think that the 'Slave' would be against all of these changes. The changes are just so drastic and alien to anyone raised in the org.

    But they are all for it......they love it - and we just watch and cannot believe what we are seeing.


  • WingCommander

    Rank-n-File Pee-on: Sin, confess, and show your repentance, and you are STILL out on your ass, and have to PROVE your loyalty and come groveling back to your JC Elders with letter after letter.

    Elder: Commit a grave sin, but keep your mouth shut for 5 years, then confess to one of your Elder buddies, get a finger wagging, and a "it's all in the past, just forget about it, all is forgiven", and then go on serving as a Pharisee......errrrr......Elder, as if nothing happened, and no mention or announcement to the Congregation.

    Nothing to see here! I still can't believe that's official policy, right in the Elder's manual!! Talk about having "two sets of scales and measures".

    Don't go to college, in order to preach and serve God. You should only look forward to Bethel service.

    Bethel calls: They are looking for young new recruits at Cult HQ. But oh hey, they only want college graduates with degrees in IT, Engineering, and Law. Everyone else can get lost. God day-yum! That is freakin' incredible.

  • steve2

    The re-branding will be a hurdle primarily for older Witnesses - but hey, as in Russell's, Rutherford's, Knorr's and Freddie Franz's days, old ones die off and new ones take over. Besides, older people generally don't have the energy or will to make much of the changes. They've dedicated their lives to the organization - and are far removed from the desire or ability to protest.

    What'sGoingOn talks of what he noticed in the late 1990s. Man that's a whole 16 to 18 years ago. Old history. The up and coming generation of born-in JWs know nothing of our experiences in the 1980s through 2000's, let alone about the 1975 fiasco.

    Re-branding is only ever a problem for older people. For younger ones it's hardly worth an eye blink.

  • WingCommander

    WHATSGOINGON nailed it with his descriptions; I remember all of those and then some. Being hammered from the platform about "worldly entertainment", and that "true Christians" wouldn't even have time for such worldly pursuits and entertainment, travel, gym memberships, hobbies, sports, etc if they were "putting the Kingdom" first.

    So as it was, my family growing up in the 1980s had a 14" black and white, and maybe a 19" colour by 1995. In 2001, a resolution was passed in our Congregation to raise the CO's allowance so that he could pay for 1.) His new Buick 2.) rising healthcare costs and 3.) His CableTV bill. My mother sat at that meeting with her jaw on the floor. Here, my family NEVER had a new car EVER, and we barely had a nice colour TV, and not only did the CO always have a nice car, he apparently had CableTV for YEARS, and now was getting an increase in his monthly "allowance" in order to enjoy it. We had a large TV and cable the very next month. When DirectTV came out we then had that. What a hypocritical religion this is.

    I am repulsed in the extreme by these douchebags.

  • Clambake

    We have a doctor in our cong. He is straight from Africa and is most likely a born in.

    He doesn’t do any field service (too be fair he works some crazy hours).

    He does no public speaking

    He hits about 50% meeting attendance (again long hours at work.)

    His kids are enrolled in pee wee hockey.

    Heck, my wife just had a surgery and he didn’t even send her with any official WTS directive. Just a note saying the patient may have strong views on blood.

    The guy is treated like a total rock star. It is embarrassing how the elders kiss his ass. Now if that was joe rank and file……………………………you would be marked as bad association.

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose


    It is about the money, the green handshakes. Good all JWs 'men worshippers' all!


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    There is no shortage of hypocrisy in the Borg. People who are perceived to be well-off or have money are treated well and not harassed.

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