Interesting research. Thanks for sharing!
Here's a short video summary of the article:
i guess religion does make you blind ... at least where your own beliefs are involved.. latest research indicates that the highly religious see less conflict with their own beliefs and science (i guess they ignore or rationalize everything away?
) but do see where science conflicts with other faiths (confirmation bias at play?).
very interesting study with lots of fascinating correlations and patterns worth a read (several pages, don't just read the first).
Interesting research. Thanks for sharing!
Here's a short video summary of the article:
i had a discussion with an elder recently.
it was interesting in a macabre sense.
we were outside the kingdom hall on a nice sunny day recently.
BE: Do you suffer from low self esteem?
i had a discussion with an elder recently.
it was interesting in a macabre sense.
we were outside the kingdom hall on a nice sunny day recently.
floodguy: Christianity should actually be called paulinity.
Exactly. Paul invented Christianity, not some guy named Jesus.
People been using it to mess with and control other people ever since.
Let's review: It's a cult!
i had a discussion with an elder recently.
it was interesting in a macabre sense.
we were outside the kingdom hall on a nice sunny day recently.
bibleexaminer: Figure out why on your own.
No need to be an asshole about it. I asked you for clarification about the point that YOU were trying to make because YOU were not clear.
Apparently that's too much trouble for you to do.
i had a discussion with an elder recently.
it was interesting in a macabre sense.
we were outside the kingdom hall on a nice sunny day recently.
Morpheus, that makes sense and was what I got out of it, but the OP isn't clear about the point he wanted to make.
That being said, a moment's reflection will reveal that the Bible is merely a prop for the WT leadership. They make up their own rules. These are not to be questioned. Questioning them only gets a person in trouble.
It doesn't matter if you can show them they are wrong and use the Bible or even their own publications to prove it. Doing so will only result in the individual being labelled a troublemaker "causing dissent" and possibly end up being disfellowshipped for their trouble.
There is only one thing a JW needs to do: Listen, obey and be blessed.
Let's review: It's a cult!
i had a discussion with an elder recently.
it was interesting in a macabre sense.
we were outside the kingdom hall on a nice sunny day recently.
... just received!
london bethel: last year a couple in their fifties were laid off from bethel and made special pioneers.
in january they will be demoted to regular pioneers.
Wow, only 8 baptized out of a combined attendance of 3,044.
That's barely more than 1/4 of 1%.
Great news.
my husband was recently subjected to an intervention by his parents.
i am apparently a danger to his spirituality.
after i stopped attending meetings and went apostate hubby decided to resign as a ms to spend more time with me.
atacrossroads: he is no longer sure the witnesses have the truth.
This is fantastic news!
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
steve2: I think it is a measure of how long this thread is that people really missed you.
Amen to that!
so here's an interesting thing that happened lately.
if you guys have followed my previous posts, you probably know my mother almost died from severe anemia, decided to take blood transfusions to avoid death and the elders announced the congregation she disassociated.
last week a "brother" came to visit from a congo about 100 kilometers away.
cookiemaster: when somebody disagrees with something is automatically labeled an apostate and treated like the plague. He says he thinks this is a form of emotional abuse.
It IS emotional abuse. This is Control-Freakery 101