She: "Is that a Watchtower in your pants, or are you just glad to see me?"
Me: "It's Awake! and: yes I'm glad to see you!"
some people point out the subliminal pictures in the wtbts publications but sometimes things are just so obvious, such as the title of the book above.. the person who came up with the title for this book must have had a good old laugh.. interestingly, this book first came out in 1988 and has not been included in the online library but nothing has replaced it.
the org is really going backwards when they ditch old light and cannot come up with anything new.
they are real wankers ;)..
She: "Is that a Watchtower in your pants, or are you just glad to see me?"
Me: "It's Awake! and: yes I'm glad to see you!"
Splane is evidently plagiarizing a chart I made a couple of years ago and posted here on JWN after the release of the Watchtower, January 15, 2014:
(I'm not sure why the chart no longer appears in the old thread. So I've reposted it above).
This was also discussed in a more recent thread about three months ago.
In the first thread I wrote:
"So, apparently, there are now three groups of "anointed" ones:
It is interesting to note that Fred W. Franz is not mentioned in the WT article of January 15, 2014. Yet now, according to Splane, he is the key person in this concept. Born in 1893, Franz was baptized in 1913 or 1914, making him part of the first group. He is also presumably the last person of the first group to die. Franz died on December 22, 1992.
According to that WT, the first two groups comprise the "this generation" that Jesus mentioned at Matthew 24:34, albeit in an "overlapping" manner. The third group is explicitly NOT part of "this generation."
Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke. - w2014, 1/15, p. 32, para. 16
Careful readers of the 1/15/2014 study article will note that it contained so scriptural references or evidence of any kind
to support this new twist on the "Overlapping Generation" idea. It is
all just unfounded assertion. Splane's current explanation is just as
devoid of "evidence."
But hey, who needs evidence when you're the leaders of a cult."
Can I say with absolute certainty that Splane used my chart and my JWN post two years ago to come to their "current understanding" and explanation of the "overlapping generation" nonsense? No, I cannot. But it's ironically funny that I explained it more than two years exactly the way they do now.
What is really brilliantly ironic is that I am now--as I was then--100% convinced that it's all bullshit!
It's interesting that they even address the discrepancy between two different published dates for FWF's baptism.
Let's review: It's a cult!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I made a few minor revisions to my post I quoted to make it more clear
now, more than 2 years after the original post. For example, I put in
the date of the WT rather than saying "last week's WT").
this is a facebook link and i just can't bring myself to dig into jw .
org and find it.there's no trick here, but i think you have to be logged in to see it.
if anyone could figure out how to repost this, that would be great.
Splane is evidently plagiarizing a chart I made a couple of years ago and posted here on JWN after the release of the Watchtower, January 15, 2014:
(I'm not sure why the chart no longer appears in the old thread. So I've reposted it above).
This was also discussed in a more recent thread about three months ago.
In the first thread I wrote:
"So, apparently, there are now three groups of "anointed" ones:
It is interesting to note that Fred W. Franz is not mentioned in the WT article of January 15, 2014. Yet now, according to Splane, he is the key person in this concept. Born in 1893, Franz was baptized in 1913 or 1914, making him part of the first group. He is also presumably the last person of the first group to die. Franz died on December 22, 1992.
According to that WT, the first two groups comprise the "this generation" that Jesus mentioned at Matthew 24:34, albeit in an "overlapping" manner. The third group is explicitly NOT part of "this generation."
Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke. - w2014, 1/15, p. 32, para. 16
Careful readers of the 1/15/2014 study article will note that it contained so scriptural references or evidence of any kind to support this new twist on the "Overlapping Generation" idea. It is all just unfounded assertion. Splane's current explanation is just as devoid of "evidence."
But hey, who needs evidence when you're the leaders of a cult."
Can I say with absolute certainty that Splane used my chart and my JWN post two years ago to come to their "current understanding" and explanation of the "overlapping generation" nonsense? No, I cannot. But it's ironically funny that I explained it more than two years exactly the way they do now.
What is really brilliantly ironic is that I am now--as I was then--100% convinced that it's all bullshit!
It's interesting that they even address the discrepancy between two different published dates for FWF's baptism.
Let's review: It's a cult!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Note: I made a few minor revisions to my post I quoted to make it more clear now, more than 2 years after the original post. For example, I put in the date of the WT rather than saying "last week's WT").
this is a facebook link and i just can't bring myself to dig into jw .
org and find it.there's no trick here, but i think you have to be logged in to see it.
if anyone could figure out how to repost this, that would be great.
Translation: "We were wrong about the meaning of this ordinary word 'generation' for about 100 years, but now we've got it right with the 'overlapping generation' explanation. ... You can trust us!"
Ugh, let's review: It's a cult!
my middle brother called me a couple of hours ago.
our youngest brother, josh, who was 38, was found by his friends in his apartment.
he hung himself.
i know it's dumb to think it would make sense.
i've been telling myself to lay low because everytime i ask a question now my husband says i have a negative attitude and i sound like an apostate.
hmmm wonder why.
PB: everytime I ask a question now my husband says I have a negative attitude and I sound like an apostate
Yep, asking questions is the first sign of apostasy.
Now be a good little Jdubba-you drone and sit down and shut up.
Listen, obey and be blessed: It's a cult!
thoughts triggered from a comment cappytan made on a different thread:.
cappytan the newest guy in the gang, mark sanderson, is no exception [to being a gb helper at some point].
- w2013 7/15 p.26 a new member of the governing body"in september 2010, [mark sanderson] was invited to return to the united states, where he served as a helper to the service committee of the governing body.".
This is just one more example of how WT "theology" is internally inconsistent and incohererent.
Most good fiction writers are better at coming up with fantasies that make sense and are not filled with contradictions.
But it's pointless to try and make sense out of this nonsense.
It's just a big steaming pile of overlapping bullshit!
I'm a lot nicer, that's for sure.
JW "morality" is well below my current standards of ethics, but I'm sure they would say I'm "evil" because I think Stephen Lett is an idiot and ToMo is mentally disturbed. Seriously! What religious leader having the rapt attention of over a million of his loyal, faithful followers would choose to talk about what color socks you should or shouldn't wear? What a nut job!!!
The remaining five GB bozos aren't much better.
Let's review: It's a cult!
take the case of rolf furuli.
i don't think there has been a specific thread on the hebrew verbs u-turn in the nwt, and how the society has responded to the work of perhaps their brightest and ablest defender in their history.
so here goes.. rolf furuli has defended jws on multiple fronts in many different settings, on issues ranging from chronology, mental health, doctrines, bible translation and the blood issue.
It's not about any alleged doctrinal purity or correct interpretation and/or translation of the Bible.
The Bible is actually just a prop for the WT leadership.
Cult leaders are insecure narcissists that get insanely jealous whenever anyone else gets the spotlight, even when those others agree with them.
i was just wondering what the witnesses are saying now about the last days and how they know armageddon is real close, etc.
what is the latest teaching about 1914?
It's coming ... soon!
In the meantime, please send money!!!