"Why does America always bomb other countries?"KaBoom !!!
Posts by JH
"Why does America always bomb other countries?", my son asked tonight.
by digderidoo infirst of all i do not want to turn this into an american bashing thread, that is not my intention at all.. i would like to hear americans opinions as to what my thirteen year old son asked me tonight.. on the way back from swimming tonight my two sons (13 and 11) and myself started talking about wars.
my 11 year old was the first to bring it up talking about wwi & ww2.
we had an interesting conversation about it, then the subject got onto nuclear bombs.
I googled "forbidden fruit" and there are funny pictures.....
Do you believe in LUCK?
by JH injw's certainly don't.. i believe that some people are more lucky than others..
I,m not lucky in love, sex, money, but my cat loves me
OK, since I would have obeyed God, why do I have to pay for Adams sin???
Not me
Do you believe in LUCK?
by JH injw's certainly don't.. i believe that some people are more lucky than others..
JW's certainly don't.
I believe that some people are more lucky than others.
Do You Really Like/Love Who You Are?
by minimus indo you love yourself?
do you think that other people enjoy being around you?
Do you love yourself?
Yes, I have 12,785 pictures of myself
Do you think that other people enjoy being around you??
Yes they do, I'm generous....
"Why does America always bomb other countries?", my son asked tonight.
by digderidoo infirst of all i do not want to turn this into an american bashing thread, that is not my intention at all.. i would like to hear americans opinions as to what my thirteen year old son asked me tonight.. on the way back from swimming tonight my two sons (13 and 11) and myself started talking about wars.
my 11 year old was the first to bring it up talking about wwi & ww2.
we had an interesting conversation about it, then the subject got onto nuclear bombs.
IP SEC , give me your milk money or I'll bomb ya
Take a picture of something....
by Burger Time ini thought this might be a fun thread to start up since a good majority of internet users have cell phones able to take pictures.
take a picture of something around you then post.
lets see what fun stuff we can come up with.
Here is a blank tie, the one I used.