Please remove me from this site, I am tired of the sarcasm and the insults simply because I choose to believe in God after leaving the Borg. I am beginning to believe that the Borg was a better place than this site because I never once endured what I have had to endure here with certain individuals. It seems that it is ok for some to criticize others here but when you stand up for what you believe in the shit just gets deeper. I am tired and it has become unhealthy for me to be here anymore. I thought I could help others with their leaving the borg with my beliefs but I can see this is a place for those who dwell on the dark side. I no longer want any part of this place or anyone in it(atleast certain individuals) as there are some good people here. This place has left me with a bad taste in my mouth and I have come to realize that in order to rid that bad taste I will have to resign.......Thank you for the pleasure i have had here, but please take heed to my asking you to remove me as I do not even want the temptations to come back here...So remove me at once.......Thank you and God bless
Posts by KGB
by KGB inplease remove me from this site, i am tired of the sarcasm and the insults simply because i choose to believe in god after leaving the borg.
i am beginning to believe that the borg was a better place than this site because i never once endured what i have had to endure here with certain individuals.
it seems that it is ok for some to criticize others here but when you stand up for what you believe in the shit just gets deeper.
What would be a good age to die?
by Joker10 in.
wat do you think is a 'good' age to die?
if i'm physically active and strong, i say 74.
Just to let you all know I am leaving this board and this time it is for good. It will do you no good to wish me to saty here or anything of the like. I am sick of those who think they have all the answers and those who are self righteous. I am tired of those who insult and think that noone has the right to stand up against those who do so. I am tired of the sarcasm simply because I choose to believe in God. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. So I am leaving this site and will not return. I thought that I could help others here and I thought that I could learn some things too but what I have learned here is that there are some know it all self righteous people here that think they have all the answers. I am tired of fighting against the devil which resides in some of those here (not everyone) so I amleaving this board for the last time. May God bless you and care for you and Good luck in your lives............Merrill (ps) if some of you want to write me you will have to do so at [email protected] because I will not be returning here for any reason not even to read...............
What would be a good age to die?
by Joker10 in.
wat do you think is a 'good' age to die?
if i'm physically active and strong, i say 74.
I guess it can be said that Jesus only has a purpose when its used for your benefit, the way I understand you is you don't even believe in Jesus so why do you use his examples ? You have not even got a clue who jesus is because if you did you would know full well not to disown him......
What would be a good age to die?
by Joker10 in.
wat do you think is a 'good' age to die?
if i'm physically active and strong, i say 74.
I just want to know what was so bad that I wished for in my friend Gumby ? I didnt not say well I hope your feet fall off in pig shit or I hope you die tomarrow, no I simply wished for goodness upon my friend and then the next thing I know I am being attacked by sixofnine and you people all think he has every right to do so. What the hell is the matter with you people, what I see here is if I had wished something bad for my dear friend you all would of clapped and shouted horay would'nt you.? You people cannot handle the fact that some of us can still love the Lord after coming out of the borg I think. Well too damn bad..Now you have got me angry and I am fired which is not a good thing for any of you and for me. I am a man who has a temper and a temper I try very hard to control.
I am really beginning to think that this board is not a healthy place for me to be and I may fulfill sixofnines wish and leave this place..You know I can be a pretty nice guy but when some loud mouthed punk opens up with his sarcasm yeah I get angry and get fired. You know my dad always taught me when you got a bone to pick put on the gloves and settle it, well I am gettin just a little too old for that kinda bullshit and I am sick to death of self righteous people who think they got all the answers. sixofnine you don't have a damn thing over me boy except you got me pissed off right along with your boyfriend logansrun....So you accomplished what you were after and I maybe evicted from here and thats just ok with me hell I may just evict myself...................Now I said my peace for the last time and I am going to go read my bible and pray for forgiveness for my anger, I hope you who are involved are now so happy with yourselves......
What would be a good age to die?
by Joker10 in.
wat do you think is a 'good' age to die?
if i'm physically active and strong, i say 74.
I guess that is what faith is. Faith is believeing in something you cannot see, taste or touch. That is all God ask us to do is have faith. As far as being able to prove God's existance ? How many would not have faith if we could see God or know exactly that he exist and then what good would faith be if we knew for sure he did exist ? And just as you can say noone can prove he does exist also it can be said that noone can prove he does not exist. Oh that's right we are going back to that faith thing again. Is'nt that what he says ? We are saved through FAITH in his word and through excepting Jesu as our personal saviour? I guess it is then easy to say we will all know when we die won't we ? Unfortunantly it will be just a little to late for some....You know you and I go back along ways friend, we had some good times and I can testify that my friends that think of me beyond this life are truly good friends. So I guess sixofnines friends are only friends as long as he lives and when he dies his friends should then no longer remember him or talk about him or anything after his death because his friends are only a short friendship. Well for me the guy is a creep and his comings are short ones because soon enough we will all be gone and I know that when my time comes and way beyond my friends will miss me and remember me...Too bad his friends will no longer think of him after he is dead....
No matter what you believe Gumby I will always feel a true friendship with you and I afterall we were both baptised the same day in the same church for the same reasons and I can only hope that you have only back slid and will return to God before it is too late. And as long as I live I will pray for those like sixofnine and I will pray for the day that God destroys those who attempt to destroy God.............It's a good thing that there is some privacy here because I think that sometimes if I knew where some of these creeps lived I would forget my beliefs just to have some time thumping on some peoples heads here. Thank goodness I don't know so that I do not loose my temper on some assholes face.....
What would be a good age to die?
by Joker10 in.
wat do you think is a 'good' age to die?
if i'm physically active and strong, i say 74.
sixof nine, you are one sad case of a human being, dont you wish you had a friend that thought that much about you but with your sorry ass attitude I can see you dont have many real friends do you ? You man are a worthless piece of ####
What would be a good age to die?
by Joker10 in.
wat do you think is a 'good' age to die?
if i'm physically active and strong, i say 74.
For me it does not matter. Why ? Because I believe in the promise, and that promise takes away any fear or concern of when I will die or want to live. I do love life but I do not fear death either because God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall have eternal life. I'm just sad that some of you here I will never meet because you will not have that same promise especially my friend Gumby......
Holiday booked today...Scared of Flying!
by ScoobySnax inok so i booked my holiday up today over the internet, going next monday week 1st september to corfu in greece, anyone been there>?.
also i'm scared sh@tless about flying.
any tips?
Sorry man I have no advice because flying scares the hell out of me too so much I will never fly. I have flew a few times and every time I barfed......After I flew the first time I also thought that if I got drunk before I flew it would be better ? Nope it was worse...............Good Luck and remember there is a terrorist alert and they are saying possibly like the WTC repeat..........
Alert: Women and Men who Care!!
by patio34 inthis is part of a fundamentalist "war" on women's rights, in my opinion.
i'm trying to get the word out to as many people as i can.
this just came across my screen.
Hey People you women and men alike post on this board how much you love the Bush administration, well this is what you can expect from who you voted for. I do feel sorry for women and how they are treated but as long as you have that prick in office you can damn well expect things like this and people like that to control everything about us. You can expect the Bush administration to control every part of your lives, and if he is voted into office again ? Believe me he will......
Gettin' Personal here.......
by Frannie Banannie inthanks to little toe's piquing my interest on this subject, i hafta ask it...... .
has anyone here had any personal spiritual experiences and is anyone here brave enough to describe/relate any personal spiritual experiences they've had, whether pre-borg, during being borganized or post-borg?
to be more specific, have you ever seen any angels or spirit creatures, been made aware of their presence in any way, interacted with or communicated with them, or had dream/visions...etc?
here is the link to that post you pm'd me about