Are you inbreed with a skunk or do you just like to look like one? hahahahaha
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
Are you inbreed with a skunk or do you just like to look like one? hahahahaha
berten, this is for you: .
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Is your real name Bobbitt?
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
Well you can certainly see what and who the majority over rule here, it seems that those of you who support Bush and his lies and deceit are only a few. I have been down that road to war a couple of times myself, Nam twice !!
I believe and support our service men and women around the world as some have said without them we would be screwed. Yes this is true. When I was in and went to war I did not support the reason for being there but went because I was odered too and the charge for not excepting the order was worse than being killed in action.
Now that I am older and wiser I am able to read between the lines and it is so easy to see that GWB has deceived his country which in my feelings is an act of treason and deception. Someone here said that it was Al Gore who was the cheater to the election, well Im not an Al Gore supporter either but I will say this the people of this great land voted for Al Gore and not for Bush it was the electoral Collegges that put Bush in office and not the people. If you deny that then you are really showing your ignorance and stupidity.
you are a disgrace not only to this country but to human kind and your post make me very sick to my stomach, someone who says the things you say about men but it is men who protect your world. You say one thing about the men in this world and then in the same breathe you dis mantle everything about them. So tell me are you really twisted or do you just like to act that way. You need to get a grip girl on some reality.
I understand your feelings as you are there giving up your life to protect ours as I also have done but it is apparent that you are Republican and not Democrate as you tear down Clinton as other have torn down Bush so my question to you is do you think that 2 wrongs make a right? Your no different than anyone else here but yet you seem to have more right to call them names and tear down there beliefs. Thats not american and it is not cool by any means.
Before the next election I think we will all see the reality of bush and his deceptions to this great land and to his fellow Americans , so I guess in 2004 we can have another post here and it will be called"I told you so".
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
You have got me wrong I am not knocking what also my brothers do, otherwise we would not do what sometimes has to be done,
I made the comment about her comment because she said I was a blanket holding baby, pretty much that I was a chicken shit and let me tell you bro that I am not. I have been down that road a couple of times when I was called to duty.
Its not what my fellow men do that I disagree with its what Bush has done that I disagree with. Now if I was still in and the order was called to me I would have to go fight as that was why I would be in. It is each of our duties to follow orders just like a regular job when we have a boss, we may not like the job the boss ask us to do but we do it anyways. So I am not knocking my fellow soldiers but I am knocking Bush as he told the whole world that the reason was because of WMD`s, but we can easily see there are none and that we are there for his revenge and for his profit. Did you know that the Bush family is oil? If he would of said the truth about why he wanted us there I may have felt a little more at ease about it but he lied to us and to the world. I don`t claim to be republican or democrate I beleive in the right man for the job.
But I will not stand for some little priss who wants to call the brave as I am respected as by my fellow country men a blanket holding baby. And as far as yeru goes he has the right to his own oppinion as we all do so if I gave you the wrong impression I am sorry for that but please give me the same. thanks
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
If you have so much respect then you should have respect for me as I out rank you private. Im a E-5 US ARMY Did you ever fight ? I did....
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
Let me ask you one thing have you given your life to your country? Probably not. Have I ? Probably yes ! I am a veteran there little lady so dont call me a blanket holding baby.. I didn`t die for my country but I did give the opportunity to do so. So don`t tell me how wonderful you are until you do what I did.
And about atrocities, you say give them to you everyday ? So you want to kill babies too, You know I always said it takes a sick prick to support a sick prick so I guess you are who you are and who you want to be. I never once spoke on Saddams behalf as I said earlier that he is a cruel man but his cruelty has been known for many and I say many long before Dessert Storm probably long before any of you were even born so why now 35 years later do people make the excuse. No I can`t be so absent minded like you who are so easily fooled.
And to the guy who is behind the flag what about you are you a vet or are you hiding behind the flag as a wanna be ?
in all honesty, are you pretty much like you are at home or in the workplace when you post here?
i wonder whether or not you are the same personality in person as you are here on the internet board.......i'm very much the same only i don't ask people questions in real life.
but my basic personality and wonderful wit is always there.
To a T just like a twin......
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
Phil, if Bush had spent the effort to catch Osama instead of Iraq we might of had the real culprit now. I am not supporting Saddam but you know what ? He has been ruling that country since 1969 if the people didnt want him there they would of taken him out a long time ago.
What about all the other leaders in the world who are just as cruel but you dont see us taking them out do you. What about North Korea who admitted openly to having nuclear weapons but you dont see us there taking them out either. Hell no because its apparent that we went to Iraq for 2 reasons revenge and oil and anyone who cant see that are blinded just like the Jehovahs Witnesses.
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
I suppose you think a man who kills children is blessed ? You better go read that bible of yours again. Idiot!!!!!!!!!
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
Bush is a liar, a cheater and a big piece of crap. I can just imagine what he was thinking when he did that, Anyone who hides behind Christianity and commits the atrosicities that he has done, well he will endure what seed he hath sown. And anyone who supports a liar is a liar, anyone who supports a cheater is a cheater, and ANYONE who supports a HYPROCRITE is also a hyprocrite.
I personally would not want his blood on my hands. He has killed children, women and innocent men, Tell me all you Bush supporters. I`ll just bet if he killed your children your idea of the man would surely change. He is nothing but a sick and dirty person....Oh I am so pissed now this post has got my blood boiling over the top of the pot.