I know exactly how it feels to be an ass buster one day and be permanantly disabled the next as I am on that list myself. It's been a very difficult thing for me to swallow also because I loved to work. I get bored very easily. But I have to face it. I'm done !!! I hate it but it's true. I hope you well wishes and if you need someone to talk to about it on a personal level please feel frre to pm me ok?
Posts by KGB
Swallowed my pride and had a good cry today
by Lady Lee inas some of you know i have been have a few health problems lately.. i went to the doctor today to pick up my application for a handicapped parking permit.
when we talked he said he would sign it for a year.. well he signed it as "permanent disability".
in one way this is good because if they don't figure out the problem and find a solution i won't have to keep applying for it.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-17-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 8-17-03 wt study
reviewer comments are in black and parentheses ().
wt quotes are in red and quotes ""
You know the JW's do not know the least thing about the Love of God or the Love of man. It was because of this lack of love that I backed out of they're religion. I have witnessed many times their lack of love.
This week at my church we do this every year, we excepted donations of clothing. Then some of us spend 5 days, and hard work too I might add in sorting and then we let the whole community come and take all they want for free. You would never see this from the borg. Not ever !! We have a community food bank and a few toher things we do for our community here. This is some of the love that Jesus was teaching. Love thy neighbor as thy self he said, the only ones they help are their own. That to me is a very selfish act and boy don't we know just how selfish they are. Remember we are all dommed to hell death and they claim all the glory. I sure am glad I no longer have that weight on my shoulders and not having to face judgement for their deceit. Thank God, Praise the Lord for that....
What really blows me away is that they will sit before you and read from the bible of this love but yet still not love as the bible instructs us and remain such selfish people.......They should all be ashamed of themselves..................It sure is good to find people who will share the love that Jesus shared in my new Christian faith....OH ! by the way, I sure do love all of you too.............God Bless you all
Are cats for true Christians?
by tonyend inis it my imagination or do some witnesses overthink things a bit too much?
although this is most likely meant as a joke, it well illustrates jw thinking on a lot of matters.
OH I own 2 cats and I know way to many JW's who own cats. Can you imagine the animal shelters if there new light decides to tell everyone they have to get rid of there cats ? How many Jw's do you think would actually do that ? None I know...
Question for attorney??? Any out there?
by Mulan inmy elderly father wishes for me to be his sole beneficiary when he dies.
he doesn't have much money, but i am not inclined to want my half brother and sister (ages mid 20's) to get anything.
they never call or come to visit him, and have made it clear he is just their birth father.
There are two types of wills, one is a will as you and most understand it. It can be disputed. They do not cost much to do but in the end anyone can argue it.
The other is a living trust. This one does cost and will require a Lawyer but it cannot be disputed. Whatever the trust says has to be fulfilled under no circumstances.
I would seriously inquire an attorney, or you can go to your local Library and check out some books on both subjects, but if you do not want your half siblings to receive anything then I strongly suggest your father files a trust... Good Luck, KGB
My Husband Goofed Big
by little witch ini love him.... but he goofed big...and i am soooo p.
we went shopping for groceries last night.... brought the sacks in..... put away everything but the canned goods, due to more pressing matters.... this morning, he took the trash off to work with him....to put in the dumpster where he works...bless his little heart.... problem?.
that wasnt trash, it was our groceries!!!!!.
What are ya gals gonna do with us guys ? Ya can't live with us and ya can't live without us.....LOL
I am a little worried....
by Ravyn inmy mother had ovarian cancer, her mother died of breast cancer, one of my father's sisters had colon cancer.
i had bleeding every two weeks for about a year myself, and now i have abdominal swelling and kidney pain, difficulty urinating(been blaming the lupus--but none of the tests are showing anything wrong!
) i look like i am pregnant the swelling is so bad.. i am having this test done next thursday.
Yes I have read some of her stuff but my prayers are with you and I hope all things work out okay.....
Do Not Call List Does the Job
by willyloman indo not call list brings telemarketers to their knees
from msnbc news
in the past three months, the hallways at groesbeck-based tel-a-sell marketing inc. have become a lot less crowded.
Horrayyyy, I'm on that Do Not Call List and I no longer have to hang the phone up on people and my temper stays much cooler these day's because they do not know the meaning of NO THANK YOU !!!!!
How you can tell they've come back! or, timewasters....
by LDH ini was just thinking, when i was a young teenager, i started an attempt to become fashion conscious.
i started noticing what people were wearing, even at the kh.
ok, especially at the kh!!!!.
Ah don't listen to gumby your a beautiful lady with padded shoulders or a low cut blouse...(LOL)
My JW Grandmother died
by KGB inwell my jw grandmother died...am i sad ?
i do have to wonder if she is not facing jesu right now and being shamed for all the hate towards her grand children simply because they were not jw.
i only had a realtionship with her for about a year and it was only for short moments on the phone if i had happened to be over at my mothers when she called my mom.
I guess thats why I never did get baptised because I am just not one to let my mind go so freely to just anyone.....
My JW Grandmother died
by KGB inwell my jw grandmother died...am i sad ?
i do have to wonder if she is not facing jesu right now and being shamed for all the hate towards her grand children simply because they were not jw.
i only had a realtionship with her for about a year and it was only for short moments on the phone if i had happened to be over at my mothers when she called my mom.
Well my Jw Grandmother died...Am I sad ? No not really. I did not know her. I do have to wonder if she is not facing Jesu right now and being shamed for all the hate towards her Grand children simply because they were not JW. I only had a realtionship with her for about a year and it was only for short moments on the phone if I had happened to be over at my mothers when she called my mom. But that was when I was studing to be a JW. After I left the borg she went back to hating me as she did the rest of her Grand children. I wonder what she has to think now realizing that we just dont lay in the grave when we die that we do indeed return back to God. I hate that F$%^#*G religion it does nothing but destroy beautiful things like LOVE. Are'nt they so proud of themselves for what they do ? No probably not. They really don't give a rats arse about anyone but themselves...Very selfish people.....