Man can see there are some stiff necked rednecks her for sure. What really gets me is that there are people here who think that because some do not support G>W>Bush are un- american or if we do not support murder we are stupid or un-american. Well I am about as American as they get but I am aslo Christian American and no I do not support someone who tells lies in order to gain support and I do not support someone who decieves and I do not support someone who kills or mames little children, women and innocent men. And I think that those who do support those kind of things needs some counseling, and if you do support those kind of things then why are you not over there doing it yourselves. That is a JW style attitude and certainly like a politician...No man I do not support liars and no man I do not support murderers. DO YOU ? Some of you must if you support whats going today....
Posts by KGB
WoMD ... so where are they?
by Simon innow, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
Today's My 39th Birthday!
by Yizuman inthis old fart is now officially 39 years old.
this old fart will be over the hill next year!
ah, life!
Boy I wished I cold be 39 again ? DOH ! no I don't I want to be 18 DOH ! Hey man !
WoMD ... so where are they?
by Simon innow, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
And one other thing anyone who tries to use the fact that Saddam killed 200,000 Kurds needs to go look at the record books because it was the USA that gave Saddam those weapons to use on the Kurds and it was also the USA who gave him permission to do so.......So don't blame Saddam for that one balme the USA...I am not saying that Saddam was a nice guy either but hell he has been in office since 1969 if we or anyone else really wanted him out of there that bad it would of been done a long time ago.
So I guess if China or North Korea did not like Bush then I guess they should have full right to come over here and kill all of you ..Is that how it is supposed to work ?
WoMD ... so where are they?
by Simon innow, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
Well first of all why is this thread still going? Has'nt everyone got it that there are no WMD's ? It was a crock of crap to begin with. This is all old news now we rarely even hear about it on the news it's so old. What is anyone going to do about the lies anyways ? Nothing !! because noone cares to step up and say this is the final straw. Today unlike in the 70's when Nixon was impeached for his deceit the backbone has disapeared. Our countries have no more backbone, everyone is scared to do anything or they just plain don't give a crap. Listen Bush lied to americans and he lied to Tony Blair. Hell I thought that after papa Bush was in office this country had learned there lessons but I guess not !!!!!!
Man there are too many scardy cats here, I thought it was a good idea, its harmless but affective so I went down to my local grocery store yesterday and got a can of whip cream and my pie pan is now sitting at the door just waiting for its next victim. (LOL) thanks for the idea !!!! Do you think it will keep them away ? OH YEAH
My JW Grandmother died
by KGB inwell my jw grandmother i sad ?
i do have to wonder if she is not facing jesu right now and being shamed for all the hate towards her grand children simply because they were not jw.
i only had a realtionship with her for about a year and it was only for short moments on the phone if i had happened to be over at my mothers when she called my mom.
Thank you everyone for your kind and supportive words. I finally did shed a few tears over loosing my Grandmother. Although I think that the tears were caused more from my anger towards the borg for their destructive teachings. They have destroyed more families with their beliefs and it really makes me sick to my stomach. I am so angry at that religion. So mad that I cannot even say what I am feeling right now cause it might get me in Jail. The borg has created so much grief in my family and I now think that the dysfunction that is running rampad inside my family is and has always been caused by the borg.
Please for those still in, check out all things. God tells you to do so and please don't let them do to you what they have done to me and mine. It's a terrible thing to destroy a family. truely that is all we have in this life that we hold most dearest. I know I do but no matter how I feel it will not stop until the borg has been destroyed. I am sad that I never got to know my Grandmother like I knew my other Grandma. But then my fathers side did not have evil influence either and we loved by the heart rather than by faith.
Again I want to say thank you all for being thoughtful...
Voting Bush out
by Jayson inwhat is the best campaign stratagy to win against him?
be serious this is to win the minds of american voters not to polerize them against you.
otherwise it's a plug for him.. i think that the one real weakness is unemployment in america.
I am not a republican or a democrat I vote for who I feel will do the best job but this next presidential election I am going to vote for anyone but Bush. I do not appreciate his lies and deceit. He makes claims of being a Christian but yet kills little children and women. I don't know how many times i have seen on the news of children with their legs and arms blown off. No way. If he wanted saddam dead he should of killed Saddam, not little children and women who had nothing to do with any of this. That is not an act of Christianity....By any means....So like I said my vote is for anyone but Bush....I don't care if anyone does not like my opinion either but thats my story and I'm stickin to it...
To every stinkin JW that comes to my door.................WHAMO!!!!!!
World's Smallest Political Quiz
by rem inhere is a link to the world's smallest political quiz:.
looks like i'm a libertarian:.
I am a left Libertarian whatever the hell that means.....................I disagree though because I am for what ever sounds politically correct
you should of added to that question, "
Would you like to do this to someone and who would you like to do that too ?