but it unfortunately happens - among JWs and nonJWs.
It amazes me when people make almost excusing statements like that saying that JW's are just the same as everyone else and that it's basically normal that these abhorrent things happen among them too.
Well actually it's not normal at all.. because 'normal' people are just that.. 'normal'. But JW's claim to be God's chosen select people, they claim to live by the very highest strict moral code, they claim to be led by the Holy Spirit and that they dwell in a spiritual paradise of a worldwide loving brotherhood where children can live protected in safety and security. The average 'non-JW' make none of these claims.
They are always blowing their trumpet saying that they are the only good people on earth.. the only true honest people on earth, the only ones who do not go to or support war etc, the only ones educated in God's loving righteous ways.. God's Holy, separate and special people'.
But when it becomes apparent as the Australian Royal Commision has made glaringly clear they are just as sick, perverse, twisted, hypocritical and corrupt as the those they constantly condemn they fall back on: 'Oh but these things happen in other religions and groups too".
I think we can safely say that most here in this forum know that to be an utter load of bollox.