Just to clear some things up, My site is not a business, it makes no money what so ever.
Various complaints to various people (IPS's Hosts etc) will not help in the slightest, I will get further emails from them and the enquiry will be pushed back delaying everything. Only I have the information you want logged, I have spocken to silentlambs and will relay to him what I find, I will then leave it upto himself to give the information to you if he so desires. And conduct any further investigation with correct ISPs without "stabing in the dark"
If you have contacted me regarding this email I will now only be informing silentlambs of its progress, unfortunatly I dont have the time to stay in contact with 15 or so people regarding the same complaint.
It can take some time to conduct the enquiry but rest assured It will be done as sone as possible. The site receives many visits which means I receive many emails, whilst trying to develope a system to speed up and automate the complaint procedure.
If you do have a question and not a complaint regarding this, please, do not hesitate to contact me - [email protected]