JoinedPosts by Surreptitious
Sentimentality Test.
by Englishman inok, folks, this yet another of those "what do you think of american ******?".
i thought i'd take a peek at the issue of sentimentality.
as you know, us brits are a stiff-upper lip emotionally constipated bunch .
my diswasher broke
by Mulan inon top of everything else today, my dishwasher broke down.
it won't pump out the water.
i can't get a repair until wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you superstitious?
by JH in.
so many silly superstitions exist and many people really believe in them.. for example, if you break a mirror, you will get 7 years of bad luck.
some people are afraid of friday 13th, or seeing a black cat, and so many more superstitions.. are you superstitious, and about what?.
Time for a 'bad joke' thread (groan)
by Simon in.
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
I'll get in trouble for this one....
How many men does it take to open a beer?
None, it should be open by the time she brings it to ya.
Some dreams are too weird
by Brummie inworst dream i had (apart from armageddon ones) was when i stood up walked away from the sofa and when i looked back i could still see me sleeping on the sofa, that was shooooo weird.
so then i go up to me and grab me by the arm to wake me up, i could feel my arm as a seperate being....i woke up in a real sweat, totally freaked out.
whats your worst freakyish dream?.
Time for a 'bad joke' thread (groan)
by Simon in.
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
Guy was sitting in a bar one evening when he notices the guy next to him has a wooden leg, a hook for a hand, and an eyepatch.
He says, "Hey, how'd you get that wooden leg?"
With a thick pirate or Irish accent (I have a hard time telling the difference to tell you the truth) the other guy says, "Well, one fine afternoon we was fightin' the Royal Navy when in comes a 20 pounder and clips the yardarm clean. Down she comes and lands on me leg and that's why I've got this wooden leg."
"Wow, so what about your hand?"
"Oh 'twas a day when me and the lads were takin' our annual bath in the lagoon, when along came a shark and nipped me hand clean off. That's why I've got this hook."
"Goodness. Well why the eyepatch?"
"One gorgeous morning I was takin' a stroll out on deck. I was lookin' up at God's blue sky when a seagull shat straight in my eye."
"Wait a minute! You mean to tell me that you lost an eye because a seagull pooped in it??"
"Well, it was the first day I had me hook."
Time for a 'bad joke' thread (groan)
by Simon in.
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
Guy walks into a psychiatrist's office wearing nothing but Saran Wrap.
Doctor says, "Well, I can clearly see your nuts."
Time for a 'bad joke' thread (groan)
by Simon in.
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
Spanner, Truth, & Buster:
What do you call two guys with no arms or legs hanging on a wall?
Curtain Rod
Pictures from FreedomFest 2003!
by FreePeace inbreetings gretheren!.
we're bringing you a few pics from the group here at panama city beach, florida!
we're having a goooood time!.
How do JW's explain John 2:18-21
by Dawn injohn 2:18-21 - then the jews demanded of him, "what miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?
" jesus answered them, "destroy this temple, and i will raise it again in three days.
" the jews replied, "it has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?
Reasoning Book Pages 423-424:
John 2:19-22:
By what he here said, did Jesus mean that he would resurrect himself from the dead? Does that mean that Jesus is God, because Acts 2:32 says, "This Jesus God raised up"? Not at all. Such a view would conflict with Galatians 1:1, which ascribes the resurrection of Jesus to the Father, not to the Son. Using a similar mode of expression, at Luke 8:48 Jesus is quoted as saying to a woman: "Your faith has made you well." Did she heal herself? No; it was power from God through Christ that healed her because she had faith. (Luke 8:46; Acts 10:38) Likewise, by his perfect obedience as a human, Jesus provided the moral basis for the Father to raise him from the dead, thus acknowledging Jesus as God’s Son. Because of Jesus’ faithful course of life, it could properly be said that Jesus himself was responsible for his resurrection.
Insight on the Scriptures-Volume 1 Page 373:
On one occasion Jesus said to the Jews: "Break down this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." (Joh 2:19) The Jews thought he was speaking of the temple of Herod and used this against him at his trial, witnesses against him saying: "We heard him say, ‘I will throw down this temple that was made with hands and in three days I will build another not made with hands.’" (Mr 14:58) Jesus was using figurative speech, referring to "the temple of his body." He was put to death and on the third day rose again. (Joh 2:21; Mt 16:21; Lu 24:7, 21, 46) He was resurrected by his Father Jehovah God in another body, not one made with hands like the temple of Jerusalem, but a spirit body made (built) by his Father. (Ac 2:24; 1Pe 3:18) This use of building as applied to one’s body is not unique, for, speaking of Eve’s creation, it was said: "And Jehovah God proceeded to build the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman."—Ge 2:22.