Saw this when it came out.
Best cover I've ever seen them do.
Saw this when it came out.
Best cover I've ever seen them do.
just got back from corfu today, naturally looking like a bronzed adonis.. even the plane flight wasn't as bad as i thought, even though it was a bit bumpy on the ride home.
hired a car and saw some of the island, beautiful scenery, sandy beaches, secluded coves, olive groves and historical monuments.
the greeks are such fantastically warm and friendly.
Hmmmm Hamas and Scooby eh?
do children need ritual in their lives?
I'm not talking about structure. I'm not talking about religion. I'm not talking about learning.
I'm talking about routine that has become ritualistic. As in some of the examples I sited earlier. Or as says: "A state or condition characterized by the presence of established procedure or routine."
do children need ritual in their lives?
Yeah Rocketman, that counts! That's exactly what I was referring to. Or like Happyout's bedtime stories. Or Joanna's "Uncle Moe's Tree Farm" visits. Or like, every Sunday morning we always have waffles. Or, every Saturday morning Dad takes the kids fishing and always stops at the same bait store and tells jokes to the same clerk, and we always buy salt and vinegar chips and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and Dr. Pepper to snack on in the boat. That kind of thing.
Routine occurances that have transcended "routine" and become "ritual". I'm not referring to anything to do with religion.
do children need ritual in their lives?
LL, thanks for the definitions. My question most closely relates to "ritual" definition 2/2/c. You're right, perhaps routine is a better word, however "ritual" seems to capture the more subtle sense. In other words, I'm wondering if children need a sense of 'ritual" in their "routines".
do children need ritual in their lives?
Do children need ritual in their lives?
yes, the bbc has reported on this earth shattering debate... does a ducks quack echo or not?.
listen to the report here:.
Hey Else, you know what happens when ducks fly upside-down?
They usually quack up.
for some of us on this forum, we're so far away from one another.
out of curiosity, do any of you have any photos of where you are from, or the communities that you live in?
here's one of toronto.
Also I see you have an "elder bag" under your coffee table!
did you ever work with this contraption?
when i was young, i used it in school.
did you ever use this, and do you still remember how it works?.
I have a foot but I don't use it as a rule.
personally i was quite serious at a young age.. there was no "boys will be boys" growing up.
personally i feel kind of cheated out of a childhood by an organization that forced you to think that "everything around you was going to be gone soon so you better grow up, start publishing, and giving talks.
" did any of you experience a less than stellar childhood, especially because of the lack of holidays and socially-isolating religion gowing up?
This could have been you.