I took my nipple ring out once, and the girls fell down.
JoinedPosts by Surreptitious
Naval piercings, marathons and chi
by Princess inso who knew they were all related?
i'm running a marathon in less than two weeks.
last week while running my longest long run of 20 miles, my knee started to hurt so bad i had to run/walk the last five miles.
Naval piercings, marathons and chi
by Princess inso who knew they were all related?
i'm running a marathon in less than two weeks.
last week while running my longest long run of 20 miles, my knee started to hurt so bad i had to run/walk the last five miles.
I agree Doc.
What is the WT's position on important topics like GOLF?
by onintwo inha!
just wondering if there is anything the wbts could possibly say against this wonderful game.
probably the only knock would be that it's so addictive and it would take up all of your time.
Onintwo, I've got one for ya.
This fella is golfing with his wife when he hits a ball that lands in front of an old barn. He's wondering how he's going to hit around it when his wife says, "Hey, what if you just opened the double doors on each end, and hit the ball straight through the barn?"
He says, "That's a great idea!" So he opens the doors, lines up and shoots the ball. The ball flies through the first doorway and hits the back wall of the barn, bounces back and hits his wife right in the head, killing her.
The next day, he's out golfing with his best friend, and he hits the ball in the same place as the day before! Right in front of that barn! His buddy say, "Hey I know! What if you just opened the double doors on each end, and hit the ball straight through the barn?"
The guy says, "No way!!! I tried to do that yesterday and got a bogey!"
Master & Commander - Movie/Film
by BluesBrother ini do not generally post in this section, or go to the cinema very much, but this film opened here this week .
it was utterly brilliant!.
dont go if you are prone to sea sickness, it is the most realistic experience of being on a sailing ship .. held me transfixed ...... superb historical drama.
Marvelous movie based on superb books.
I just wanna say something to everybody!
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t inalright i understand that this board is full of non-believers, maybe you believe in evolution(which btw i hate very much) or maybe you are a atheist.
and another thing i notice is that this board is very much against the jw's.
anyway i might be only 22, but i know and i understand more things in this world than half the suckas in this world.
What?? Nobody's gonna attack poor FrenchBabyFace for her English??
To my Italian-American Friends.
by El Kabong ingot this from a relative and just wanted to share with everyone.
all italians have a $40,000 kitchen, but use the $179 stove from american appliance in the basement to cook.the living room couch was covered with plastic.strohmeman and wonder bread was for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches only.there is some sort of religious statue in the hallway, living room,front,porch and backyard.a portrait of the pope and frank sinatra in the dining room.god forbid if anyone ever attempted to eat chef boy-ar-dee, franco-american, ragu, prego or anything else in a jar or can (tomato paste is the exception).the following are italian holidays- first weekend in october- grapes for the wine, 3rd weekend in august- tomatoes for the gravy.
speaking of which, it's gravy and not sauce.meatballs are made with pork, veal and beef.
can nail you in the head with a shoe thrown from the kitchen
Is that where you got your name?
I just wanna say something to everybody!
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t inalright i understand that this board is full of non-believers, maybe you believe in evolution(which btw i hate very much) or maybe you are a atheist.
and another thing i notice is that this board is very much against the jw's.
anyway i might be only 22, but i know and i understand more things in this world than half the suckas in this world.
The end.
hehe! Good one Jim!
First of all let me say that I agree with your assessment of gay people. In no way was what I said meant to be an attack on anyone, gay or not. I should have elucidated a bit more and I apologize if my comments offended.
However, I'm not sure that "keeping ill-gotten goods" can be equated with drug-pushing or pimping. Although, I suppose that depends, which is why I said what I said.
The point I was trying to make is that many things are relative. In other words, is it right for anyone to condemn this cat for keeping the 50K he stole (or whatever), or condemn you for being gay, or me for being a dip-ellipses? No. What is right or wrong in your or my eyes could be perceived as entirely different in someone else's eyes. I think that's what that one guy meant when he said something about casting the first stone....
Anyway, I didn't mean to single you or any one group out. I was just a bit surprised at how quickly the dogpile formed with You Tookay at the bottom and something triggered my "fairness meter" and I blurted forth like the dip-ellipses that I am!
I just wanna say something to everybody!
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t inalright i understand that this board is full of non-believers, maybe you believe in evolution(which btw i hate very much) or maybe you are a atheist.
and another thing i notice is that this board is very much against the jw's.
anyway i might be only 22, but i know and i understand more things in this world than half the suckas in this world.
To keep ill-gotten goods or to be a homosexual (not that there's anything wrong with that)...... which is more contrary to "Christianity"?
Got a New Car!!
by Yizuman inbought a new car this week on monday evening...... it's a 1991 oldsmobile regency elite ninety-eight (http://auto.consumerguide.com/auto/used/reviews/photos/index.cfm/id/2087/img/91128161990416) click on link to see details.
the body color is red with gray trim on the bottom.. got the car for $1000.00.
(minus $37.80 when i found tonsload of coins on the armrest compartment, so i coinstar(ed) it at their machine (about broke my coin jar because it got heavy!
When you first came here you were pretty down in the dumps, so I'm really glad to see that things are looking up!
Will you be outfitting your car with any special equipment? Like whatever those things are (light panels or whatever) that let you know when fire or ambulance sirens are wailing or car horns are blaring? Or special mirrors?
An Elsewhere Christmas
by Elsewhere in.
merry christmas everyone... just wanted to share my christmas morning with everyone.
sorry, but a problem with my web site made me have to take down the slide-show.
Girls + Maple Syrup = Happy Elsewhere