So who knew they were all related? I'm running a marathon in less than two weeks. Last week while running my longest long run of 20 miles, my knee started to hurt so bad I had to run/walk the last five miles. I was really bummed when I got back to my car and called my sports physical therapist and he told me he was going on vacation in five minutes. So finally, I saw him this morning and he realigned everything so my knee wouldn't be taking all the stress.
Anyway, I'm laying on the table and he tells me he is going to give me the same lecture he gives all his track athletes. He said your naval is the center of your Chi, your body's flow of energy. When you pierce it, you disrupt the flow and complications almost always come from it. He told me he had an athlete that he worked on several times and she was still having problems and they couldn't figure out what was going on. He told her to do him a favor, take out the piercing for two weeks. She was fine after that.
He assured me tattoos were not going to cause any problems. Thank god for that, they are much harder to remove! I might have to get a new one around my naval to make up for it's newly naked appearance. I haven't been without my naval ring for two and a half years.
Who knew?