I saw God at the Jethro Tull concert in 1976
XW, that was me.
ok all you prognosticators, will saddam get a quick trial and a quick sentence like mcveigh or will it a long drawn out affair?
was saddam set up by powerful forces beyond his imagination?
why your answer?
I saw God at the Jethro Tull concert in 1976
XW, that was me.
i want to go back right now.
what a beautiful place and such friendly people.
i enjoyed the relaxed pace there, a lot, maybe too much.. but i'm back to my reality and classes start on monday.
Glad to see you're back Stacy! Although your front's pretty cool too.......
I will continue to hit on you electronically
This just doesn't sound right....hehe
so who knew they were all related?
i'm running a marathon in less than two weeks.
last week while running my longest long run of 20 miles, my knee started to hurt so bad i had to run/walk the last five miles.
I explained all this above.....
i knew this was coming.
mom's been going back to the kingdom hall for about a year now, and i figured that, much like my father, i would have to cut off all contact with her at some point.
it looks like now might be that time.
don't judge another person until you've walked a mile in his shoes
Exactly! That way when you do judge him, you'll have his shoes and be a mile away!
so who knew they were all related?
i'm running a marathon in less than two weeks.
last week while running my longest long run of 20 miles, my knee started to hurt so bad i had to run/walk the last five miles.
sprayed some green apple body spary on myself. to my surprise-the headache diminshed
That's because green apple body spray combines with the fetoral magnetism that exudes from each and every one of our pores creating a forcefield-like aura around our entire person. This forcefield (also know as Grenaplesteenk's Aura) protects us from all hostile space elements which are the leading cause of migraines. The migraine is either diminished or eliminated depending on the viscosity of the green apple body spray and/or the size of the pores. This may not be effective on Irishmen.
where's teddy kennedy when you need him?.
the other day i woke up at 3am due to my wife's cry, and saw flames on my porch!
somebody set fire to my irish flag!
Arre ye surre it werren't one of yourr shirrts lad? An Irrishman's sweat's not 'xactly a firre rretarrdant ye know.
so who knew they were all related?
i'm running a marathon in less than two weeks.
last week while running my longest long run of 20 miles, my knee started to hurt so bad i had to run/walk the last five miles.
LOL, that's a poor pun
Yeah, but did you get the point?
so who knew they were all related?
i'm running a marathon in less than two weeks.
last week while running my longest long run of 20 miles, my knee started to hurt so bad i had to run/walk the last five miles.
They didn't believe in Accupuncture, either, until it was later scientifically proven.
LT, are you needling us?
so who knew they were all related?
i'm running a marathon in less than two weeks.
last week while running my longest long run of 20 miles, my knee started to hurt so bad i had to run/walk the last five miles.
Three whacks on the chi
Is this one of E-man's pubs??
i am an ex-witness who faded from the religion about 4 years ago.
interestingly, i am not new to this board because i have been lurking here for over 2 years and enjoying the great wealth of spiritual food here.
i feel so connected with many of the posters here because of my passive involvement with this board.
Hi greatcrowd! Good to meet ya! Hope you don't want to deposit 14 million dollars in my checking account though... J/K!!
Glad to have ya here!