JoinedPosts by Surreptitious
Another Awake! Caption Thread
by Stephanus inhere's an awake!
cover that tries to give the impression that the demand for bloodless surgery comes from other than the dubs (strange that they should try to find support for such a "scriptural" doctrine by saying "everybody else is doing it!
here is the "blank":.
We will sell no swine before its time.
WT's Airplane Damaged -Again- Visiting Another Fishing Lodge
by Gerard inthe watchtower's luxurious aircraft was damaged the first time in 1995:
"on june 12, 1995, at 1530 alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped cessna 402b airplane, n710ws, registered to and operated by the watchtower bible organization and tract society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing.
I spent 7 years in north Manitoba (The Polar Bear Capital of the World), I dealt with Cree Natives and Inuit and got my first solo on a bush plane at age17; I became a mountain pilot at 18. Finaly I got into biological sciences at age 21 and now I own two gliders at the moment. So whenever you wish, I can refresh your mind on the life in the bush, its fauna, and the expense of operating a bussiness twin-engine aircraft NOT designed for dirt runways.
With all due respect, that may be true, but it still doesn't make you an authority on the plane in Alaska, or the way of life there. Without saying more, I can personally vouch for the authenticity of Hornetsnest's account. No, I don't know him. But he talks the talk and walks the walk.
Hey, you know what? I thought this thread was dead.
A Girl And Her Pig
by Valis inwell, its time for stock shows and cfb has shown her first pig at the city stock show.
she won the blue riboon and got a spot in the county stock show this coming weekend.
i am hoping to make it down for this weekend, but that may not happen.
Too cool Valis! Great pics. It's obvious that she was in hog heaven.
cosmetic surgery!!!
by Debz inall these shows lately on telly - like nip/tuck etc.
highlighting cosmetic surgery got me to thinking of about 20 odd years ago as a prevalent cs was.
i knew two young women (aged about 17 / 18) who had breast reduction operations in the same cong, of course it was very `hush, hush` at the time but considering it was a small country cong - that seems like a rather high ratio of non-necessary surgery to me........any other experiences of this?
Breast reduction is necessary because of the damage and pain large breasts have on the body...the back especially.
Man I know what you mean! I'm gonna have to do something about mine, my back is killing me.
Here I Am..........
by Dawn insend me send me lord.
here i am send me send me.
..............for some reason i have had this song stuck in my i thought i'd share the wealth.
Sweet Cheeses! Good to see you again!
This Years Ken
by Surreptitious in.
i just didn't want him to feel left out..
I just didn't want him to feel left out.
Aztec - This one's for you!
by czarofmischief inthis is a serious question i was going to raise anyway, and since aztec feels that she is being ignored .
all right, i'll take aztec for 1000 dollars, alex.
here's the question:.
You know you like her. Why don't you just hurry up and ask her out, before Bradley plucks up the bottle
Just what I was thinking LT. Except the Czarina might not go for it....
Couples and names
by Stefanie ini was just wondering who on this board is married or a couple.
my second question is, what is everybodys first name.. .
just trying to get familiar with you guys
LMAO...In your dreams, buddy!
As always, "buddy"!
Stefanie, this isn't a hijack cuz Doc and I are a couple. And our real names are Rochelle and Geraldine respectively. Seriously.
OMG! Bikerchic are you ok?!?!
by joannadandy inkatie are you ok?!.
with your new hubby craig coming out of the closet, i am really worried about you!
this must be really hard to take in right now.. onacruse said:"i'm homosexual.
That just put me to sleep.