Yes, the plants appreciate the rain, but go away already!
It's rained for two weeks now. If I wanted this much rain, I'd move to England!
Where's the warm sun that teased us a month ago? Please come back!
time to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Yes, the plants appreciate the rain, but go away already!
It's rained for two weeks now. If I wanted this much rain, I'd move to England!
Where's the warm sun that teased us a month ago? Please come back!
the extraordinarily high pollen count has finally done me in.
i started with head congestion and coughing on friday and have steadily felt worse.
i now have an earache and a heavy feeling in my chest.. yes, i do have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, as i'm sure the advice would be!
Thanks, Safe. I don't even usually have very bad allergies, but this year it seems like every night on TV they post another record pollen count.
No fever or body aches, but the heavy chest worries me. Sometimes I can't tell whether it's asthma or congestion.
I made a mistake last time I had these symptoms by taking Sudafed tablets when it was actually my asthma. And, then my heart rate was so fast that they couldn't give me a breathing treatment because that would've raised it to dangerous levels.
But, I'm not wheezing, so I'm going to let the doctor figure it out tomorrow. It's only a $20 copay, but, yes, I do appreciate the free advice, too!
I've already been doing double pillows, but they're getting flat, so maybe I should triple them.
the extraordinarily high pollen count has finally done me in.
i started with head congestion and coughing on friday and have steadily felt worse.
i now have an earache and a heavy feeling in my chest.. yes, i do have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, as i'm sure the advice would be!
Ooh, sorry about your vacation!
The steam thing sounds good. Maybe I'll just go take a hot shower. That actually sounds really good.
It's a good point that it could be the flu. I work in the public schools and they're germ factories.
i've been confronting my mother with her dubious parenting skills (abuse) of me as a child.
particularly the beatings i would get with the wooden spoon.
not a light smack but hitting me as hard as she could for as long as she could.
Yes, I was dragged to the KH basement and spanked.
Due to my sceaming, some of the other children thought there was a monster down there, and, consequently they behaved.
the extraordinarily high pollen count has finally done me in.
i started with head congestion and coughing on friday and have steadily felt worse.
i now have an earache and a heavy feeling in my chest.. yes, i do have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, as i'm sure the advice would be!
The extraordinarily high pollen count has finally done me in. I started with head congestion and coughing on Friday and have steadily felt worse. I now have an earache and a heavy feeling in my chest.
Yes, I do have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, as I'm sure the advice would be! But, I feel really yucky tonight.
Anybody have any good home remedies? The over the counter drugs don't seem to be doing much at this point.
I tried green tea with honey and lemon. Does anybody know anything else I can rustle up from my cupboards?
I just need to get through the night and then I'll see my doctor tomorrow.
With heavy chest and thumping ear,
i thought this would be a good time to pose some questions based on the series so far.. if creationism is true these should be easy.
answers that don't involve copy-paste would be really interesting to read.. ... .
1. since some proteins can be assembled in more ways than there are atoms in the universe why do the sequences of amino acids and bases vary between species in exactly the way evolution predicts?
Hoob, why would you not join the conversation yourself?
You were criticized for lazily posting links.
Nah, witness007, perfectly possible with bipolar disorder, manic phase.
He could have lived at the intersection of genius and madness.
i think he is, but i"m not too sure.
just wondering because looking at that purple pimp outfit with hat that he wore to prince's memorial, i wonder if he ever gave a talk wearing the same outfit, when i've read here that some brothers were talked to for wearing a pastel colored shirt while giving a talk..
My dad had a baby blue gingham check polyester suit in the '70s...and the rest of us had matching dresses.
Yuck, thinking about it now.
has anyone heard about this?
that really sucks.
lots of dubs are talking.
6th grade
Purple Rain and Thriller
So sad they're both gone.
probably not, since his mom already passed and no other family members are jws.
was he officially dfd or he just walked away, don't remember.