Congratulations. Graduating with honors is impressive.
I can really appreciate the tremendous amount of effort put forth by your son. It's a really big deal.
You must be outrageously proud!
my son graduates with his bachelors degree, cum laude!.
he is the first in my family to graduate with a four year degree.
and he is already in talks for a teaching job.. so, gerrit lush....up your nose with a rubber hose!
Congratulations. Graduating with honors is impressive.
I can really appreciate the tremendous amount of effort put forth by your son. It's a really big deal.
You must be outrageously proud!
here is a picture of 124 columbia heights in brooklyn that russell purchased when he moved his operations to brooklyn.
it belonged to another preacher, henry ward beecher, before he died.
russell also bought his other properties that beecher had on hick street, which i guess would be the first assembly hall.
So, the colporteurs used to sell Brown's Wonder Salve along with the books.
It said the society paid $.17 for it and sold it to the colporteurs at $.25 ( I think. It was hard to read here.) Then, they sold it to householders along with the Bible literature.
Then, whenever the government got onto them for not paying taxes on these side ventures (like Miracle Wheat), Rutherford claimed that he wasn't making money on them. Everything was just sold at cost.
I remember using that line door to door in the '70s and '80s.
It's an interesting read if you can zoom in close enough.
the whole time i'll just be thinking about what effect all those crazy loyalty videos will have on my family.
i can venture to guess that they'll be wound up and determined to "stay loyal" because this "is the truth" and "this system can't last much longer".
i have to go because not doing so would raise too much suspicion but i'm really dreading it.
Why not try for "Security?" Then you can muscle any protesting apostates from the venue!
may 2, 2016 to all congregations in the united states branch territory re: entrance time at regional conventions.
You know, normally at these venues people buy tickets for specific seats and all of this mess is taken care of in advance.
What is the tight-fisted-with money reason that this can't be done to ensure some "Christian" decorum?
It only goes as well as it is managed. They've been dealing with this for decades and still haven't got it figured out. In the real world, people get fired for such an ineffective spectacle.
Learn some crowd control techniques, already!
start at 1 samuel 18; imagine if this story had been about jonathan and a woman.. 1 samuel 20:30..saul calls jonathan a son of a perverse rebellious woman!
the blame for his.
behavior goes first to the mother, who was too soft," or too harsh who perverted his son somehow.. 1 samuel 20:41-42.."they kissed each other and wept with each other".. so was it merely deep friendship or a romantic relationship?.
This is a shoutout to coco. He's always representin' for English grammar and vocabulary.
Once an editor always an editor.
I have a Tshirt that says, "I'm silently correcting your grammar."
It's the most honest thing ever.
Sorry to derail the conversation. Back to homosexual Bible heroes.
Finally, some love for Android devices.
Their deal with Apple must've expired.
there is no typical jw personality type.. any of us who were in the religion for a number of years will remember all sorts of individuals.
there is as much variety among jws as there is in the general population.
some were arrogant and judgemental but others were humble and kindly.
Angst is an excellent word.
You often hear it coupled with "teenage" because they are such difficult years.
Those who never progress beyond their "teenage angst" seem to be attracted to the cult.
Those who are born-in never see the modeling to progress beyond such a pessimistic view of the world.
They are a group of emotionally stunted adolescents, or that's what it feels like when I'm around them.
in an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up....
Deleteandrestart, self-flagellation, indeed.
This is quite masochistic. Some people get off on that stuff.
I really think it is sexual sublimation
may 2, 2016 to all congregations in the united states branch territory re: entrance time at regional conventions.
Oh, that reminds of the horror of having seats in the middle of the aisle.
When you have to exit the row to use the restroom, is the polite way facing away or facing toward the people you are trying to squeeze in front of?
If you face toward them, it feels awkward, but if you face away, you pretty much stick your butt in their face!
This always produced some lively conversation and was never quite settled!
Were you a face in-ner or a face out-er?