When my parents were in a severe car accident last year, one of the most hurtful things was that the children could not make decisions for their parents.
I would sign that thing in a minute and then make my own decision if it were ever necessary.
my mother's parents, my grandparents were not jw.
my jw mother had medical power of attorney and her husband (never jw) was secondary on that.
when grandma needed blood, mom let her husband sign off.
When my parents were in a severe car accident last year, one of the most hurtful things was that the children could not make decisions for their parents.
I would sign that thing in a minute and then make my own decision if it were ever necessary.
after a very quiet couple of hours detecting this afternoon i was chuffed to find this silver coin.. it is a groat of edward iii of england.
for a long time the only coin available was the silver penny.
if you wanted to spend half a penny or a quarter you literally cut it up.
That is so cool. Thanks for sharing that.
There's no way anything that old could be found in the US.
I get excited if I find a wheat penny from the early 20th century!
so i was talking with my daughter the other day and she tells me that she doesn't want me to push my beliefs on her.i am agnostic.
which isn't a belief.
it's a lack of belief.
Steve2 hit the nail on the head. It's the teenager's developmental task to separate from the parents. She's right on track.
All she is telling you is, I need to figure this out on my own."
Don't consider what she says she believes to be her Final Answer. She will likely change her mind several times again.
She absorbs enough of your opinions anyhow, without you having to say a thing. Yes, kids are that good. They pick up waaay more than parents give them credit for.
When my son was about 13 he announced one day out of the blue that he had decided to be an atheist.
"Oh, yeah?" I asked.
"Yeah, Grandmom's a little weird sometimes," he said, speaking of my JW mother.
And that was it.
so, the jehovah`s witnesses sold a kingdom hall that used to be a little too big and started to build a new one a few streets away: .
what i find absolutely ridiculous is that they could have taken the profit of the sale of the first hall to have a contractor build the second.
Commercial buildings have flat rooves above the Mason-Dixon line. However, the construction is the much more expensive commercial type.
I imagine it is ever more expensive the greater the snow load.
external photos have previously been posted here.
4442 j m turk road, flowery branch ga 30542. from the gainesville times:.
jehovah's witnesses open new kingdom hall in flowery branch.
Did anyone else catch his brag about non-wood construction being faster because you don't have to drive nails into planks, but yet it said it took eight months to construct at the beginning of the article?
update on mouthy (grace gough)this is graces granddaughter.
i wanted to send an update that today my beautiful grandmother passed away - surrounded by friends and family.
- may 22 1927 - sept 2nd 2016. mouthys_granddaughter.
I knew she hadn't been well for awhile. I am glad we actually know what happened. It was nice of her granddaughter to update us.
Rest in peace, Grace. You were a firecracker.
gorby has had a personal paradigm shift lately.. from one point to an other i "feel" and "think" different about the jw subject.. - no more interest in doctrine.
- no more interest in things that happen 100 years ago into an religion.. - no more taking statements too serious.
it doesn't matter me at all what a generation doctrine change is all about, it doesn't matter me at all that brother elder said "blablabla boe!".
Yes, millie! Like, "The Truth." Could anything be more arrogant?
Or how about, "getting your time in?"
Or how about, "I believe," when they really mean, "what the Watchtower says."
You can really just dismiss everything easily at that point.
60th anniversary – i was baptized 9-1-56 .
my parents weren’t witnesses at the time, but my witness uncle studied with my brother and i. i think the only reason my parents let him was because my brother was having mental issues and were hoping it would help him.
my father surprised me a few years later, started studying and was baptized in 1961, later appointed an elder.
Hi, Bonnie! I just want to say that I enjoyed your post.
So much dedication and no appreciation from the Society for all your years of hard work. You are only as good as your last hour reported.
You are to be commended for taking care of your elderly parents. Alzheimers is a cruel disease, both for the patient and the caregivers.
I wish you a happy retirement and many more years with your loving family.
i wrote this earlier for my own benefit in order to get some thoughts straight in my head.
it is just my own personal pondering on what i think might be the motivating force behind having a faith.
it is not intended to attack, provoke or patronize anyone who has a belief and i hope it is not taken in that way.
This is an excellent, thought-provoking post.
I think you're onto something when you talk about the rational mindset requiring trust of one's own abilities. This feels good to some people, but not others. And, some of it might be due to personality factors. Some people are natural leaders who trust their own abilities to reason and make decisions. This feels empowering.
But, I think there are some personalities who are more comfortable as followers. They don't like the responsibility of figuring things out on their own. They don't trust themselves to make the right decision and they would prefer that others figure things out so they don't have to. Everyone's heard of those folks who complain about having to decide things for themselves when some issue or another is newly declared a conscience issue. I believe this might cause them anxiety, where by contrast, just believing something reduces anxiety because everything is already decided and follows a script. And if those religious feelings feel so good, and they feel like an anxiety reducing drug, then the body will crave more and more. Then, it's no wonder that people become deeply invested and entrenched in their beliefs.
I appreciate this discussion because in psychology, personalities are considered rather fixed. If that is the case, and people are either predisposed to a logical mindset vs. a belief mindset, then that not only explains the persistance of belief in itself, but also raises troubling questions about the long-term conversion to a more rational mindset in the world at large.
Thanks for making me think!
it is a pain that certain individuals pride themselves on hating god, who created everything.
like it's understandable that you choose to not believe in him because of your selfishness or thinking skills but to hate him is forcing it a bit.
i'm very thankful that those such as myself have the courage to believe in the lord.
Atheists don't hate god. They can't; they don't believe in him.
Maybe what they DO hate is the representation of god that Christians have come up with.