Trump's goal was winning.
He has no freakin' clue what to do right now.
He is beholden to no one.
Including the people who voted him in.
we've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
Trump's goal was winning.
He has no freakin' clue what to do right now.
He is beholden to no one.
Including the people who voted him in.
so i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
Whoo hoo, hundreds of protesters block streets in Baltimore tonight.
Grabbing the popcorn.
This is gonna get good, folks.
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Yep.That's how he comes in under budget.
so i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
"Putin Wonders if Trump Win is Too Good to be True"
This one from Bloomberg Business News. But, it's on every other major outlet, too, with a quick search.
Sorry, it appears I was unsuccessful with my bitly link magic this time. Maybe if you copy and paste the headlines into Google it will work.
so i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
I tried bitly link. It was too big before and it obscured the "Post Reply" box.
"French far-right leader Marine Le Pen congratulates Donald Trump"
so i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
It's on Reuters. I'm trying to paste on my tablet and I'm having trouble.
I'm going to try again.
so i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
Warm congratulations today to the new president-elect from Vladamir Putin, and the French National Front.
No joke.
That actually happened.
sheer joy.. the local kingdumb hall is up for sale.
a quick build from 1984. i went in there once--for a relative's wedding.
half a million pounds..
Surprised they're giving it up seeing as it's so close to McDonald's.
i last spoke to my father in march 1990. we finished a "quick build" kingdom hall and i had a 17 year old spiritual awakening and decided to drop high school to pioneer full time.
(yes i was a dumb ass) he was not happy since my parents were divorced he was catholic.
we had a arguement and he said stay in school get a degree...and dont come back if your a witness!!
Thank you for sharing, Witness007.
My mother still speaks to me, but always tries to squeeze in a little preaching.
Sometimes I get frustrated at "being the bigger person" and not taking the bait.
But, it's cautionary stories like yours that help me stifle the urge to blow it all up and tell her what I really think.
a random thought occurred to me today.. i actually feel genuinely sorry for witnesses who cut contact with ones they feel are no longer "spiritual" .. they do this based not on anything that the person has actually done to them personally, but due to an imposed view from the society.. it must play havoc with their inner conscience as they try and reconcile that the person they cut off has not actually done anything to harm them, but they have to view them as evil.. it reminded me of this thread i started some time back.
I think that they are aware on some level that it is wrong and they feel bad about it. But, they are also secretly pleased that something that feels so bad and wrong is justified so they can feel just fine about behaving badly.
It almost enables sociopathy. I imagine it attracts quite a few. Finally, doing bad things is perfectly okay, in fact, righteous!