Thanks, Village Idiot, for posting that.
I felt dark winds blowing in the US not too long after Obama was elected.
Lots of ugliness unleashed.
I'm afraid that it'll become the new normal.
pardon the cut and paste but i simply can not do better than the author.. autocracy: rules for survival by masha gessen.
i have lived in autocracies most of my life, and have spent much of my career writing about vladimir putin’s russia.
i have learned a few rules for surviving in an autocracy and salvaging your sanity and self-respect.
Thanks, Village Idiot, for posting that.
I felt dark winds blowing in the US not too long after Obama was elected.
Lots of ugliness unleashed.
I'm afraid that it'll become the new normal.
i have often seen many categorise the organisation in different ways.
some say cult, some say high control religion.
cult or high control religion?.
Unfortunately, if you want to find real psychological and sociological scientific literature, you won't find it by searching for "cults."
They're designated New Religious Movements, partially because Scientology was offended that they were referred to as a cult, and they took over CAN; the Cult-Awareness Network.
This is a great story to research and get lost going down internet rabbit holes, which I've done before. But, it's been awhile and I've forgotten a lot, so, do research it yourselves. It's a very interesting story!
i think everyone here is under the impression that i am a watchtower sympathizer, i am not.
i just like facts and when people say things, which are their opinions but that facts point out as not being true, than that is when i get so motivated to make a comment.
i have read posts here, listened to six screens and read jwsurvey and seen things that people say, which are opinion, but pass them off as fact.. there are legitimate things that people on here and former jws have concerns over without manipulating what is said or trying to pass off opinion as a fact.
It's good to be able to identify facts vs. untruths.
An entirely different skill is being able to lay out an argument and prove your case.
way back in the 70s around the time when the elders arrangement was new i recall a particular co who tried to replace all the circuit arrangement with young pioneers, in fact he tried to infest all of circuit with youth.
my father in law was removed by this person from his circuit position and that added to the complete disdain even contempt my fil had for him.
my fil was one of a small group that had formed congregation , built the kh with their own funds and where very loyal to the organisation, never commenting or expressing dissent in any form.
It's like the original post is, "My shoes are size 8."
And your response is, "Why can't I wear my shoes to jump in puddles?!"
way back in the 70s around the time when the elders arrangement was new i recall a particular co who tried to replace all the circuit arrangement with young pioneers, in fact he tried to infest all of circuit with youth.
my father in law was removed by this person from his circuit position and that added to the complete disdain even contempt my fil had for him.
my fil was one of a small group that had formed congregation , built the kh with their own funds and where very loyal to the organisation, never commenting or expressing dissent in any form.
Sweetheart, some facts are relevant to the subject, and others are not.
Why do you keep playing with the latter?
way back in the 70s around the time when the elders arrangement was new i recall a particular co who tried to replace all the circuit arrangement with young pioneers, in fact he tried to infest all of circuit with youth.
my father in law was removed by this person from his circuit position and that added to the complete disdain even contempt my fil had for him.
my fil was one of a small group that had formed congregation , built the kh with their own funds and where very loyal to the organisation, never commenting or expressing dissent in any form.
"Feed the trolls!
Tuppence a bag!"
way back in the 70s around the time when the elders arrangement was new i recall a particular co who tried to replace all the circuit arrangement with young pioneers, in fact he tried to infest all of circuit with youth.
my father in law was removed by this person from his circuit position and that added to the complete disdain even contempt my fil had for him.
my fil was one of a small group that had formed congregation , built the kh with their own funds and where very loyal to the organisation, never commenting or expressing dissent in any form.
Sigh. Spock out.
way back in the 70s around the time when the elders arrangement was new i recall a particular co who tried to replace all the circuit arrangement with young pioneers, in fact he tried to infest all of circuit with youth.
my father in law was removed by this person from his circuit position and that added to the complete disdain even contempt my fil had for him.
my fil was one of a small group that had formed congregation , built the kh with their own funds and where very loyal to the organisation, never commenting or expressing dissent in any form.
Jeez, Dick, are you being willfully stupid or what?
It's been explained to you, and you keep coming up with multiple examples that you think are exceptions, but they're not. They all can be covered under the explanation given.
"No kingdom hall should ever be sold." - Richard Oliver -- this was alleged by no one here ever.
You are trying to put words in people's mouths, but nobody's dumb enough here to open their mouths and let you shovel it in.
i am not talking about the one that the org came out with in 2010. i am talking about a new one that just came out.
it is completely different or is it just the 135 songs from the 2010 songbook plus the 16 that they have rolled out since then?
my head is spinning!.
With old favorites like:
"The Zippy Little Cart"
"Time-Counting Blues"
"My Study Dropped Me the Bomb"
"Wanna Go Out in Service in my Little Red Corvette?"
"Just Beat It; Get Off My Doorstep"
and others, all in an imitation leatherette cover the color of New York sidewalks!
And, for 30 more pieces of silver, order our 3 ring binder cover to which you may add all the new songs, and easily purge songs that come to contain old light!
i've been watching louis therouxs documentary about scientology.
one of the thought traps they createn in people is that they make them belive that all good things come from following the doctrines correctly and all bad things come from not doing so.
and in this way it becomes a thought trap where the person is self regulated mentally by trying ever harder to be more indoctrinated.
I love the descriptor "thought trap."