Jezeus, no wonder people think Americans are insufferable bastards.
many interpret serpent in the garden of eden as the satan hence miss the whole point because satan himself does not exist.
he is a fictional character [for example, in the temptation account, satan is shown as reflecting the erroneous belief of ancient time that shape of earth is flat, thus taking jesus to the top of “a very high mountain” and showed him “all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.” (mathew 4:8, 9) the fact that jesus did not correct the mistaken view of satan shows the account of temptation is allegorical.
further, jesus knew that satan was only a personification of evil (mathew 16:23; john 6:70) and categorically declared that “all evil thoughts proceed from one’s heart,” not from satan.
Jezeus, no wonder people think Americans are insufferable bastards.
for information:.
court of appeals of the state of washingtondivision iidocket number: 48070-1file date: 01/24/2017.
keisha baumgartner appeals the summary judgment dismissal of her medical malpractice wrongful death claim against anesthesiologist dr. mark morehart and columbia anesthesia group, p.s.
The document is not really clear about the way the word "contaminated" was used.
Was it in the sense of biological pathogen contamination, or religious contamination because of the loss of continuous blood flow?
i came across this paragraph about the causes of ocpd and it occurred to me that jws as a religion do reward ocpd traits.
they insist you adhere to rules and behaviours to the impairment of social and family activities.
perfectionism, strict moral code, lack of generosity.. so does this religion cause this personality disorder or does it recruit people who suffer from it?.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder
You know, like emphysema.
i was in a good mood yesterday (makes a bloody change, i hear you say).
i was meeting an old buddy for a meal.
he was never a jobo.
I had two nice older ladies come by a few years ago and I didn't have the heart to get into anything with them. I just took the brochures, said thanks and ended the call.
Also, we're having golabkis for dinner this afternoon. Occasionally my Polish in-laws make a huge batch for the entire extended family. Polish food is great! (Not a big fan of the polka music, though!)
in 1967 i had the misfortune of being born with a watchtower stuck in my ass.
it took 45 years for me to realize, "hey!
there's a watchtower stuck in my ass!
Ah, Zoos, we posted at the same time. Even leaving at 19, I still feel the effects. It took me forever to get a Bachelor's degree, and I am still paying out the ass for it at age 45 and will continue doing so for the forseeable future. My goal is to get my student loans paid off before retirement.
in 1967 i had the misfortune of being born with a watchtower stuck in my ass.
it took 45 years for me to realize, "hey!
there's a watchtower stuck in my ass!
Because something felt wrong. And public libraries. And university libraries. Card catalogs and everything.
in 1967 i had the misfortune of being born with a watchtower stuck in my ass.
it took 45 years for me to realize, "hey!
there's a watchtower stuck in my ass!
I was 19. At least I've had time to get my life back.
maybe it's a british thing, but we tend to be polite.
too polite.. even if someone is inconsiderate, we apologize as though we did something wrong.. prime offenders?
people in supermarkets, specifically costco.. they have nice wide isles and yet somehow, for some reason, some idiot will find a way to put their trolley sideways and keep a hand on it while reaching for something, thus blocking the entire isle.. or another favorite ... you're going through the entrance and someone just stops, maybe to answer their phone.. how about you wait in a queue at a checkout for ages and when it's their turn, then they start looking for their purse.. how many times have you thought "idiot" or muttered under your breath?.
That's my usual m.o. which can be surprisingly infuriating to people. Waving at them like a long lost friend to that idiot behind you who's riding your ass, then slowing down like you're ready to stop and catch up with an old friend tends to drive them batty.
It's also usually effective to just slam on the breaks when the guy behind you is riding your ass, flashing their lights for you to give way, and doing this when you are already speeding in the fast lane and there is nowhere else to go. I call that entitlement and feel like they're entitled to a break check. The nicer the car, the more sure you can be that they'll make it a point to avoid hitting you.
But, when they finally get around you, you can count on a big old flip of the bird!
maybe it's a british thing, but we tend to be polite.
too polite.. even if someone is inconsiderate, we apologize as though we did something wrong.. prime offenders?
people in supermarkets, specifically costco.. they have nice wide isles and yet somehow, for some reason, some idiot will find a way to put their trolley sideways and keep a hand on it while reaching for something, thus blocking the entire isle.. or another favorite ... you're going through the entrance and someone just stops, maybe to answer their phone.. how about you wait in a queue at a checkout for ages and when it's their turn, then they start looking for their purse.. how many times have you thought "idiot" or muttered under your breath?.
The honk and shit; I love it!
Will try that one out soon.
Or maybe not. I wouldn't want to get shot.
maybe it's a british thing, but we tend to be polite.
too polite.. even if someone is inconsiderate, we apologize as though we did something wrong.. prime offenders?
people in supermarkets, specifically costco.. they have nice wide isles and yet somehow, for some reason, some idiot will find a way to put their trolley sideways and keep a hand on it while reaching for something, thus blocking the entire isle.. or another favorite ... you're going through the entrance and someone just stops, maybe to answer their phone.. how about you wait in a queue at a checkout for ages and when it's their turn, then they start looking for their purse.. how many times have you thought "idiot" or muttered under your breath?.
It's not Costco, but the road where I'm becoming less and less patient.
With my new 45 minute commute in horrendous traffic I just get livid when the light turns green and the doofus in front of me is texting on their phone instead of paying attention to traffic!
Hesitate for a second and other cars jump in front and you're sitting at the same damn light for another cycle.
Usually, commuters are good at commuting. They know which lanes to get in, they know to keep up the pace, they know when the light turns green to go, they know how to merge smoothly.
Then you get a shmuck who acts like they're on a Sunday drive and they jusy mess up the whole commuting machine. Then my commute stretches for an hour or more and, times 2, I'm living in my car for 2 hours a day!
Please, if you're not a commuter, stay away from rush hour!!! You and we and everybody will get there faster, and probably have lower blood pressure too!