The Kentucky Derby?
Up here in Maryland, we're getting ready for the Preakness.
Anybody up farther getting ready for the Belmont Stakes?
good morning, all.. it is good to be here.. thanks to all for your contributions.. love and blessings.
The Kentucky Derby?
Up here in Maryland, we're getting ready for the Preakness.
Anybody up farther getting ready for the Belmont Stakes?
greetings, my aging friends:.
it's not really a funny subject, our getting old and our bodies falling apart.
sure, as the saying goes, hard work won't kill you, but it can wear out your body.
Yes, I'm in the US. I've looked online and it appears that I can get CLR at home improvement stores like Home Depot and Lowe's. Funny they don't sell it at the grocery store where I buy all the other cleaners in my life. I might pick some up when I go to get some annuals to plant next weekend.
As far as Shower Power is concerned, it must be good stuff because it's currently out of stock! I'll keep my eye on this site for when it comes back in stock.
I'll open up the window, turn on the ventilation fan, and don a hazmat suit. It will be epic, if only because of the "my crazy mom" pictures my son will post on the internet!
greetings, my aging friends:.
it's not really a funny subject, our getting old and our bodies falling apart.
sure, as the saying goes, hard work won't kill you, but it can wear out your body.
I've never heard of CLR, either the yellow spray bottle or the little gray jug variety.
It does not appear on the local grocery store shelves. Where does one find some? I'm willing to try anything!
Oh, and about your tub being so clean you could sleep in it: just because you can...
greetings, my aging friends:.
it's not really a funny subject, our getting old and our bodies falling apart.
sure, as the saying goes, hard work won't kill you, but it can wear out your body.
Well, yes, Coco, the metaphorical is derived from the literal!
My dad had them as well when he was a child, but true to the name, his went away as an adult.
The doctors haven't dismissed me, but the only treatment available is NSAID pain relievers. Ibuprofen usually works well, but, of course, it isn't preventive, and I continue to have further episodes.
Ibuprofen was a prescription drug when I was a child. Thank god it's been over-the-counter for years now. It truly does help me get through daily life.
Oh, and if you (or Snowbird) have any advice on scrubbing tubs, I would love to hear it. We put in a new oversized tub that holds more water, but also more soap-scum, and the scrubbing is getting tedious. Surely there's a professional hack? Oven cleaner? Sponges strapped to the feet? A maid? It gets dirty quicker than the old one, too. Maybe because it's acrylic rather than fiberglass?
I'm putting way too much mental effort into this!
Maybe I should just close the shower curtain!
Happy Saturday!
i'm really interested in this question because i've heard for years that if you forgo further education and go pioneering, when you have a family down the track you will get a good job because jehovah will provide for you because you pioneered.
as long as i was a kool-aid drinker, even then, i thought, "how does pioneering pay your bills?
surely education should come first.
Saw this post pop up, reread it, and saw my own post from 3 years ago. I was underemployed and despairing. I was worried I wasn't resilient enough to work full time.
Pleased to say that this past August, I found a full time teaching job. Far from being unable to manage it, I work 10 to 11 hour days! My psychiatrist is very pleased. I had expressed that I was fearful of being unable to manage it, but she encouraged me to go ahead and try it; if it didn't work out, then I could quit. My bipolar disorder has stayed in remission and I feel pretty good. The only addition has been some ADHD meds which I've likely needed all my life, but I TRULY need now as there's so much multi-tasking in teaching.
The down-side to being a first year teacher is that I'm not tenured, so I only have a 10 month contract. The last hired is the first fired. I've just been informed by my principal that they've lost funding for my position for next year. :( If no one leaves, retires, or transfers, I'll be out of a job. She does believe that at least one of those things will happen and I'll be able to come back next year. But, I'm wondering if I should start putting my resume in at other schools just to be proactive.
It'll take 2 more years to get tenure/ be hired permanently, but my performance review is great, so I'm hopeful that everything will work out. It kind of sucks to be 45 and still not established in your career, but I have been able to pay off some debt, actually a lot of debt, even though there's more to go! I also have started a retirement account, so I feel a little more secure about the future. It'll take 10 years to be pension vested, but I should be able to do that. I'll still be able to retire at age 65 with 20 years of service. So much of this is about reducing the anxiety of being able to retire and live comfortably in our golden years.
If you're in your 40s, it is definitely worth it to start a new career. It is not too old, and there is time to recoup education costs and secure a retirement. If you're on the fence, my advice is to go for it!
greetings, my aging friends:.
it's not really a funny subject, our getting old and our bodies falling apart.
sure, as the saying goes, hard work won't kill you, but it can wear out your body.
Xanthippe, I had what they called "growing pains" as a child. I remember waking up at night as a small child with screaming, aching pain in my arms and legs. The doctors couldn't figure it out. Usually acetaminophen (paracetamol) worked. But it never went away completely once I grew up like they predicted, and I still hurt that way sometimes. Too often, actually.
Tell me about B6. That sounds interesting, inexpensive, and hopeful.
Coco, glad your bursa is better. Sorry you had to take a bursa break, but I'm glad you're back in working order! Maybe you could try knitting now?
just read this article in the washington times.
other sites have similar stories..
can you imagine the dubs with a sworn police force with arrest powers?.
Oh, wouldn't those convention attendants love that?
Put some teeth behind those Please be Seated signs they carry in the hallways!
"Sister, I've seen you pass this way twice. You're cruising, not looking for a bathroom! Now be seated before I seat ya myself!"
everybody here right now is busy "battening down the hatches" as they wait for the approach of a tropical cyclone.
a state of emergency has been declared in the district - the second one in as many weeks.
(the floodwaters from the tropical cyclone that hit just last week have still not drained away).. so far, the biggest hazard looks like it will be the storm surges from the ocean, and people living in some exposed coastal areas have already been evacuated.
Ouch! That's gotta hurt as much as that broken leg :(
everybody here right now is busy "battening down the hatches" as they wait for the approach of a tropical cyclone.
a state of emergency has been declared in the district - the second one in as many weeks.
(the floodwaters from the tropical cyclone that hit just last week have still not drained away).. so far, the biggest hazard looks like it will be the storm surges from the ocean, and people living in some exposed coastal areas have already been evacuated.
Glad you're okay. Cyclones are dangerous and can be unpredictable even if you know they're headed generally in your direction. Should you get that emergency bag with passports, medications and insurance documents ready? Or should you just go to bed and hope it blows over? Sometimes it's hard to decide.
The last big hurricane that came our way dropped a tree on our roof. Others have just been a question of whether the power go out and cut off the sump pump and flood our crawlspace. Oh, yeah, and we'll have no internet and air air-conditioning, either!
Hey, it's a great time to be a utility worker. I'm sure they are making some great overtime right now!
here in the uk--private--or personal- car registration plates are popular.. heres one i photo'd tonight.. .