Yes, I'm familiar with pain management as he's had spinal surgery about 10 years ago. He has a very high pain tolerance, but he was HURTING. He ended up with a Fever of Unknown Origin and had to stay in the hospital for a week.
He doesn't remember this, but he cursed out the phlebotomist, called her a vampire and other choice, no, actually very nasty and vulgar words (that he would never use in real life), and I had to go apologize.
It all went very badly and so I'm concerned. Although, he did heal well and now cycles 30 miles at a time.
I think pain brings out somewhat of a childishness? Not sure of the right word to explain it. I'm afraid he's going to get angry and start swinging, forgetting that's exactly what he CANNOT DO.
He told me to only give him full strength pain meds for the first three days, and then he wants to start cutting back for fear of getting addicted.
It's not like I can't handle this because I've done it before, both with him and both of my parents who were in a very serious car wreck. I guess I'm just a bit unexcited to, in essence, have a big old baby that I'm going to have to play parent for.
And, yes, the doctor put the fear of God into him. He told him if he destroyed his tendon, then it would be like "stapling jello to the wall" to try to fix it again. He got the visual on that!
Thanks for the reply!