Seems so. To me, there has to be a good story first of all, plot, theme, characters, all of it. That's why I'm a book reader.
Movies can tell great stories, too. The characters, actors, setting, storyline can all come alive with good filmmaking.
An example of the same story told in two different films about 30 years apart:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Firstly, this was a book, so the great story was there.
The 1970s version was great. The characters came alive. Gene Wilder played and understated but brilliant Willy Wonka. There were memorable songs, memorable lines.
Do you know how many times I've said, "I want a golden goose, Daddy. And I want it now!" to whiney, entitled children? No? Me, either, but it's a lot.
The Johnny Depp version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from the aughts was terrible. All the characterization focused on him and left all the others flat. And, his acting was pretty terrible, though the costuming was good. It just wasn't a good film, and it was the same story!
I really appreciate a good film, but it's all got to come together and that just doesn't happen very much for me. So. I don't waste my time much on movies because the ratio of good films to bad is so low.
But I'll watch documentaries all day. I never find them boring.