And yet, Mick, she managed to get under your skin from halfway around the world.
Nice trick there.
this stupid little autistic twit is a no talent hack.
she can not dance, sing or even talk well.
the liberal idiots follow this little idiot like she is the oracle of delphi.
And yet, Mick, she managed to get under your skin from halfway around the world.
Nice trick there.
i just heard this story from one of my relatives.
i'm leaving a lot of things out.. a jw couple had three kids and raised them in the religion.
the oldest one got disfellowshipped at 18 years of age because he committed fornication with a jw girl.
I'm not really sure that half truths are much better than lies.
Half truths have the disadvantage of making it look like you're hiding something.
no one can steal your thunder when you are the fucking storm!
It is better to say nothing and have people think you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
in 1923 i almost died.
__________in 1923 i almost died.. allow me to explain .... on the day of my parole from seagoville federal correctional institution, i walked out of the entrance of the prison and my grandfather was waiting for me at the gate.. the last time i’d seen him was in 1967. today was 1969.. he looked older and i must have looked much skinnier.. i opened the door and climbed into the front passenger side.. there were no seat belts back then.. jack avery hybarger was a private man, very shy about looking into anyone’s eyes.. he bottled up his emotions.
we weren’t a family that hugs or says “i love you.”.
Loved it. Absolutely loved it. One of your best!
so we all know california is one shit hole idiot state.
now gov.
asshat has banned gas lawn mowers and leaf blowers.
It is a valid question to ask how the electricity is produced that charges electric vehicles / small engines.
How is your locality doing it?
My electric supplier has greatly reduced oil and no longer uses coal. We still have nuclear power which helps, but the greatest growing category is renewables.
We saw a boom and bust of windmills. Now it's solar farms where fields are planted with solar panels. This is a way for some families to keep the family farm as corporate farming had taken over and economies of scale make single farmers uncompetitive.
We also have offshore wind farming approved but not yet constructed in Maryland.
The biggest issue with all of these is of course storage. Batteries are still very inefficient.
You can put solar panels on your roof, but battery storage isn't efficient. You can sell it back to the grid, but you only get paid when the sun is out, and you must pull from the grid during nighttime or bad weather.
Thankfully Maryland has not been one of the states to prevent resale back to the grid.
My hope is that battery storage becomes more efficient because I would rather store the electricity I make than deal with metering.
my john delorean story.
in the summer of '74, i moved my family to southern california.
i was trying to escape fromjehovah's witnesses and low-paying jobs.
The only time I remember seeing a Delorean in real life was in a bank drive thru. The guy pulled up then had a hell of a time trying to figure out how to open the door to get to the teller's drawer.
Didn't stick around to watch the bumbling fun.
at the moment there does not seem to be any place to flee to from covid mandates and restrictions.
we are stuck like the first century christians in jerusalem.
but jesus said when the disgusting thing would stand in the holy place, it was time to swiftly flee to the mountains.. will jehovah god open a path to security where we can be in safety?
So true, Simon, so true.
it just seems like the kingdom halls are for sale everywhere.
i think this is the fourth or fifth i have seen just this week.. will give kim credit for finding these.atlantis!
It would be nice to keep this thread going with updates on sales and sales prices.
It probably wouldn't be too hard to figure out initial price paid for land, estimate donated labor costs and come up with a profit figure for the org.
Continually updating this thread would keep it on the first pages and make it easy for questioners and lurkers to find.
at the moment there does not seem to be any place to flee to from covid mandates and restrictions.
we are stuck like the first century christians in jerusalem.
but jesus said when the disgusting thing would stand in the holy place, it was time to swiftly flee to the mountains.. will jehovah god open a path to security where we can be in safety?
Smokers pay more for health insurance on the plan my husband's employer has and under which I'm covered.
Others, example: diabetics, have to complete a wellness intervention in order to get the lowest rates. An example might be a walking for fitness program or use of an app to more closely monitor blood sugar levels. There is some choice there.
this is the latest problem in north american society.
mating inequality.
there are now more women college graduates than men in the us.
Traditionally it's been true that women prefer to marry "up."
It was certainly an important factor when women were relegated to the sphere of the home and depended on men for survival.
However, now that women can be independent financially, it's not so important. It might take awhile to unlearn traditional behavior which is, after all, transmitted socially and was actually good advice in their grandparents' day.
I have a degree and my husband works blue collar. He went through a 5 year apprenticeship which was not nothing, either.
There are lots of relationships like ours: teachers and cops, teachers and firefighters, teachers and tradesmen, teachers and utility workers. There are 4 teachers just on my block, including 3 of us in a row and one across the street!