My brother in law, never a JW, has never bothered to buy health insurance. Brilliant dude, but never successful and couldn't justify the expense.
Just got a call yesterday that he was rushed to the Emergency Room. He was feverish and vomiting. Come to find out that he had ignored his diabetes, got an infection in his foot and once part of his toe died and fell off and he was nearly septic, he went to the ER. Transferred by ambulance to another hospital where he is on IV antibiotics and they're trying to save his toe. Once you hit 50, you HAVE to take care of your health.
My husband's union negotiates healthcare. Until about 5 or 6 years ago, it was at no cost, but now we pay about $240 a month for a Cadillac plan for a family. It sounds like you are in a trades union multipayor plan which I am also familiar with because my husband worked out of a local union for his apprenticeship for the first 7 years of his career. However, my husband works for a large company now that is multistate, though each state has its own bargaining unit and contract.
My BIL had the option of purchasing crappy medical insurance for much more money. He chose not to buy it and won that gamble for many years. God knows how much this will cost, likely tens of thousands, and how long it will take to pay back. He was supposed to start a new job Monday. Who knows if they'll hold the job for him or not?
So, I have an uneasy relationship with GoFundMe for healthcare expenses. I feel terrible that even people who pay for good insurance sometimes get hit with big expenses for big illnesses. Get cancer, and even with good insurance, you're out big bucks. Hell, my husband just had shoulder surgery this year and we hit our annual out of pocket maximum at $1850 and that was a big hit! There are crappy plans with $10,000 out of pocket maximums! But, the other part of me thinks that people really need to negotiate better healthcare as part of their employment contracts when they get hired. Most people don't even bother to sign employment contracts and work at will. It's a precarious position to accept. So, I don't usually donate to healthcare GoFundMe's.