Titch, glad to hear you are doing well!
I'm (only) 52, so I'm not expecting complications or difficulties based on age. More worried that given my age and the amount of disability that we've missed something and when they get in there it's not just osteoarthritis but something else going on. Also, will I last longer than the implant? My doctor said about 20 to 25 years, so will I need a new one at age 78?
Otherwise, yes, your experience sounds like what I've been prepped for. About 90 minutes in surgery, will be up, moving and in PT the day of the surgery. I was offered same day discharge, but I opted to spend a night which is usual for my surgeon. My insurance has agreed to pay (probably the biggest hurdle) and I'd prefer to transition out of anesthesia and into oral meds before going home. When my husband had spinal surgery he had some complications and ended up having to spend a week in the hospital, so that is my experience with surgery so I'm a little reticent.
If I can do it with only ibuprofen, I will. My hip is not the only pain I have and right now everything hurts so I'm missing it! When I go in to register we will discuss a pain relief plan. Thank you for the caution on narcotics. I've been through that with my husband and am very familiar with them.
I'm so glad to hear it was so easy for you! I can't wait to get up and DO things again!