JoinedPosts by GrreatTeacher
Maybe some mod could move this to the Politics section? -
Ah, dislikes without comments; always the mark of a deep thinker. -
Or, one could carelessly repost things that others have posted without really thinking it over.
It's really important to challenge things like that because some people think that everybody agrees with them. You know, the idea of the silent majority.
It's important to get a reality check: #1 no, most people do not agree with you and #2 that's offensive.
Morning Warship has made him/ herself clear.
If he/she ever finds him/herself in need of food or medical care, he/ she will surely turn down Food Stamps and Medicaid.
People who complain like this should be excluded from those benefits.
How much is the Bethel allowance now? It used to be $14!
by Maryo ini am wondering how much the bethel "allowance" is now?
it used to be $14!
is it true they really sign a vow of proverty now?
Well, it seems that at least in that particular incident it was Pierre providing!
I find that good things happen to people who do good things.
It's not perfectly proportional; there's no formula, but it seems that the nicer one is to others, the more likely it is that others will want to return the favor. :)
What song explains what you have gone through in life?
by brandnew inthis is "coolio ft. l.v - gangsta's paradise (official music video)" on youtube
Aww, that's sweet! Did you fall in love in the summer? -
How much is the Bethel allowance now? It used to be $14!
by Maryo ini am wondering how much the bethel "allowance" is now?
it used to be $14!
is it true they really sign a vow of proverty now?
Oh, coco, I'll bet you saw that as Jehovah providing? -
After leaving what did you Major in?
by Luther bertrand ini am curious if my observations are correct.
i noticed alot of exjws end up majoring in the social sciences.
i am also interested in what educational choices people have made either while fading or while completely out.
Elementary Education
In the US, community colleges will accept everyone with the caveat that you take placement tests and may have to take remedial classes first for no credit.
Once you have an associates degree from a community college, it is fairly easy to transfer to a larger university.
Fill out the federal student aid form, the FAFSA, and they will determine whether you are eligible for grants, which do not need to be paid back, or loans. It's based on your family income.
I was eligible for loans to cover tuition and a little bit extra. However, I did not have to pay room and board as a commuter student. Living on campus might have presented a financial gap.
They seemed to give out these loans freely. My husband made a decent income at the time, so it seems likely that most people could get their tuition covered with loans.
And, I now owe the federal government a giant pile of cash!
Our COBE(Coordinator Of Body of Elders) Cried at the Kingdom Hall
by James Jack init was announced recently, that "bro.
z is no long the coordinator(76 years old), bro y(60) is now the new coordinator of the body of elders".. you see, bro.
z has been an elder for 43 years and 35 of them as the cobe/po.
It also, maybe unreasonably, makes me angry that they promote apple products that are so dang expensive.
Those older folks are likely on a fixed income and could buy comparable devices in other brands that are much less expensive.
It seems like they're just adding insult to injury, especially if these devices will cause frustration and remain unused.
What song explains what you have gone through in life?
by brandnew inthis is "coolio ft. l.v - gangsta's paradise (official music video)" on youtube
"Brain Stew" by Greenday from the album Insomniac
I can do some major insomnia and sometimes nothing will knock me out.
Story of my life: never getting enough sleep.
My workweek goes like this: Monday is good. I've caught up on rest over the weekend.
Tuesday I'm tired, but I can still function.
Wednesday I'm really dragging. It's hard to do my job efficiently and well.
Thursday I make it through the day in a fog, and know I will have to nap after work to be able to get up Friday. However, in the past few years I have no longer been able to nap during the day. I am a zombie.
Friday the alarm goes off and I think I'm going to die. No way I'll make it through the day. I usually do, but am utterly miserable and unproductive.
Saturday I can sleep in a little, but I still don't catch up on all my lost sleep from the week. I'm mildly productive at housework.
Sunday I sleep in and finally catch up on my sleep. I feel energetic and get stuff done in the afternoon.
Then it all starts over again.
I really do often feel like "my eyes are gonna bleed" and that "the clock is laughing in my face" at night.