JoinedPosts by GrreatTeacher
My brother died last night
by LisaRose ini found out this morning that my brother died last night, he was also an ex jw, 73 years old and died of heart disease and kidney failure.
it was not totally unexpected, as he had been in poor health, but it's a blow, especially as i just lost another brother two years ago.
there were six of us, now only four.
So sad to hear this. Sending my condolences and love. -
Raising kids in a split faith household
by rathernotsay inhi guys, don't know if this is the right place to ask but id like to hear other peoples experiences with raising kids in a household with split faiths.
just for a bit of a back story, my wife and i have been married for comming up 6 years.
we have 3 kids, 2 boys aged 5 and 3 and a 8 week old girl.
Berrygerry, thanks for the link.
Drawing things out to their logical conclusion is often an eye-opening exercise in truth discernment.
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
I am sick of the rain, too! It's been unseasonably cold, too. In the 50s. They do not have the multipack garden flats out, yet, and I really want to start putting petunias in my flower boxes under my windows.
Is that zoysia grass, kaik? It looks thick and even.
We have fescue in Maryland. After about 5 days of rain it is a foot tall! We actually had to mow in the drizzle, finally, or else we would've had a meadow.
Suffering and existence of God
by elbib inmany people find it difficult to reconcile suffering and existence of god.
it seems they feel that it is god’s obligation to shield humans from ill-effects of their short-sighted acts..
people’s hobby has something to do with this kind of reasoning!
Nice job, elbib. In four short paragraphs you were able to indulge in copious amounts of victim-blaming and throw in a little anti-semitism, too, for good measure.
And you wonder why the converts aren't rolling in?
Cult recruitment 101: save the distasteful stuff for later.
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
So any reference to an eternal god would be a moot point in this discussion of of causes of beginnings. -
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
So, now there are things that have no beginning?
Please give me a list of these incredible outliers.
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Well, then it seems you've ended this thread as you've started it: entirely sure of yourself. -
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Perry, we all know you believe God is the supernatural cause that was the beginning of the space-time Universe.
You doth protest too much with your pseudo-scientific reductive reasoning.
The pieces of your argument don't fit, we have provided alternate points of view which are not acceptable to you, and so there is no sense in my continuing.
Update on my recently disfellowshipped niece
by keyser soze ini had posted about a month ago that my niece, who just turned 15, was getting disfellowshipped.
i learned this past weekend that she tried to commit suicide.
between being df'd, and her dad not being around, it became too much for her.
Keyser, I am so excited that you are providing support for her and that she is feeling better. I'm glad she is getting good treatment.
Could you subtly point out to your sister that further involvement in the organization wluld likely be bad fof her mental health?
Some JWs seem to believe that suicide attempts after disfellowshipping are because of shame at having done something so bad that they needed to be disfellowshipped instead of the horrible practice of disfellowshipping itself.
Update on my recently disfellowshipped niece
by keyser soze ini had posted about a month ago that my niece, who just turned 15, was getting disfellowshipped.
i learned this past weekend that she tried to commit suicide.
between being df'd, and her dad not being around, it became too much for her.
I think she was disfellowshipped first and then became suicidal due to the disfellowshipping.
I wonder what the branch thinks of that scenario.