Another one:
I'll retain my PREROGATIVE to silently judge you on your grammar.
And, dear God, if one more person starts a sentence with "Me and my friend," I think I'll have a stroke.
You cannot start a sentence with "me." Everyone actually knows this because you never hear people say, "Me went to the store."
But, SOMEHOW, when you add your friend in, it's suddenly okay? "Me and my friend went to the store?" No! "Me" is only used at the end of a sentence ( loosely speaking, it's an objective pronoun) as in, "The clerk told ME that the store was closing soon."
The beginning of the sentence pronoun is, "I." "I went to the store."
Also, when speaking of yourself and others, you don't mention yourself first. It should be, "My friend and I went to the store."
I hate, hate, hate this elemental piece of grammar mistake. And, I even hear some teachers using it. I can correct my students, but I can't correct other teachers.
Since when do we not even care about basic grammar?!?
PS Runner up: "Gonna." Many people use this in casual speech and I don't have a problem with that.
But, the number of newscasters on TV, who should be speaking Standard English, who say, "gonna" instead of "going to" is mindblowing in the US. Listen carefully and count how many times this happens. Local news, national news, all of them. And usually they're reading teleprompters which likely have "going to" spelled out properly and yet it gets read as "gonna." This is not a writing problem, but a speech problem.
Seriously, watch multiple newscasts and count the numbers. It's actually shocking.