Listener, thank you so much for thinking of the practicalities. My husband is the cook of the family, but I'm laundry, cleaning and paying the bills. We're caught up on laundry, it's clean enough for me to move around the house safely, and the bills are paid for the next few weeks.
We have wonderful neighbors who have volunteered to send us meals for a few days, and other neighbors have said to call on them if we have any needs at all. My mom and dad are coming later in the week any my husband is taking 3 days off work, but he works from home so even when he goes back, he will still be handy.
I also gave a son who is a senior at university who still lives at home, so he can be a Gofer too. It is his Final Exam week, though, so I don't expect to see him much. I am sorry it had to happen that specific week for him because he has been concerned about me, but I've had to wait 3 months so I'll take the surgery when I can get it.
I hope I haven't forgotten anything!