Yes. There's been a lot of sockpuppeting of accounts in the last few months where multiple accounts sound like the same person.
I've noticed it and Elmer noticed it awhile ago.
So, yeah, I'm just going to think of them collectively as Los Lobos now.
the following is an excerpt from one of aesop's fables.. the boy who cried "wolf"!.
there once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep.
to amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "wolf!
Yes. There's been a lot of sockpuppeting of accounts in the last few months where multiple accounts sound like the same person.
I've noticed it and Elmer noticed it awhile ago.
So, yeah, I'm just going to think of them collectively as Los Lobos now.
the following is an excerpt from one of aesop's fables.. the boy who cried "wolf"!.
there once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep.
to amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "wolf!
New posters of note:
"Halcon" means falcon, a bird of prey.
"Redsetter" is a type of hunting dog who works with a human hunter to hunt prey.
Are they here in their new hunting grounds on JWD?
Names can give you a lot of information if you're paying attention.
the following is an excerpt from one of aesop's fables.. the boy who cried "wolf"!.
there once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep.
to amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "wolf!
Oh, come on, he used the handle JW Barbas to talk about beards?!?
Wasn't that a little obvious?
Not that I ever go on Instagram, but I'd have liked to have seen how that played out!
Was the guy who was stirring up info on women wearing pants named JW Pantalones?
As they say, trolls gonna troll.
governing body members.
kenneth eugene cook, jr. (2018).
gage fleegle (2023).
Fleegle and Winder look really proud of themselves don't they?
The Two that caused the Coup.
now that some reasonably big changes have occurred in a short time frame, whats next?
will the gb let the dust settle for a bit, or will they keep dropping bombs this year?.
Obviously we'll have to wait and see, but it does really feel like a dam has burst lately!
no matter what opinions you may have, the memorial is very important to us.
many are opposed to the way the organization performs the memorial because of restrictive rules as to who should partake.
as jesus said in scripture, "keep doing this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
Funnily enough, American Independence Day, the 4th of July, IS a nationalistic holiday and should be verboten.
But, every JW I've ever known loves to go watch big fireworks displays!
no matter what opinions you may have, the memorial is very important to us.
many are opposed to the way the organization performs the memorial because of restrictive rules as to who should partake.
as jesus said in scripture, "keep doing this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
Ha ha ha !
Actually in a country that is hyperpartisan in its politics and has an almost militant patriotism happening, Thanksgiving is surprisingly neutral with no political or religious overtones.
It's just a day everyone stops to eat and be thankful of the things they do have. It doesn't celebrate the US, no flag waving. Even people who complain about commercialism in Christian holidays like Christmas actually find Thanksgiving to be refreshing.
It's one holiday that everyone can agree on. Except JWs of course!
no matter what opinions you may have, the memorial is very important to us.
many are opposed to the way the organization performs the memorial because of restrictive rules as to who should partake.
as jesus said in scripture, "keep doing this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
What they really need to do, other than blood, to really get themselves out of hot water is to dump the disfellowshipping "arrangement." This mess that they've just updated is nonsensical and doubling down in many respects.
So, the two things they really need to do I don't see them doing.
Their surface reforms might keep PIMOs in a little longer, but won't bring people back. It also won't bring in newbies entirely. For the most part people don't want to "buy" religion at all anymore.
A sad death of attrition is what it's looking like.
no matter what opinions you may have, the memorial is very important to us.
many are opposed to the way the organization performs the memorial because of restrictive rules as to who should partake.
as jesus said in scripture, "keep doing this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
I think they might now allow birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Thanksgiving to become conscience matters since there was very little justification for them anyhow.
They won't allow Christmas or Easter because they can still call them pagan and old timers would lose their minds. They might, however, say that it is a conscience matter to attend those celebrations at unbelieving relatives' homes.
I don't think they can move much on blood, even though it might seem obvious, because they've stuck their nose in people's Medical Powers of Attorney and have an entire Hospital Liason program and too many lawsuits that they've won to back out now. Also, I think they'd be terrified of all the unlawful death lawsuits they would be fighting off. Follow the money. This is one change that is too expensive. Sad because it's one of their most egregious beliefs.
I think they will continue to ignore 1914 and it won't appear in any literature again. A lot of people have appeared to forget about it anyway. Just more of "soon, soon, soon."
i am thinking that the "ten year plan" that some have spoken of is the most likely scenario.
the org.
has to both attract new members and retain as many existing ones as possible.. so i think they will let the recent changes "bed in" for a while, maybe a year ?
It seems like they are operating with a giant flow chart.
If we lose Norway, then follow this arrow.
If we win Norway, follow this arrow.
After following the Lose Norway arrow, they've now found themselves with a new decision.
If saying hello to disfellowshipped ones, inviting them to the Memorial and crowing about beards and pants doesn't bring people back, but instead backfires...
Yeah. I'd say that's about right where they are right now.
I agree that it's purely reactive and they're throwing anything out there to see what sticks.